friends, best friends?
How does it feel like to be busted by a friend?

vera and i planning to get a job at the airport. waiting for my mother and brother's reply though. they helping us search. =))
all the hope of working together and earning money. and later spend like CRAZY! HAHA!
but... i got to pray hard that i dont kena any sub paper. like seriously. though my HAP confirm kena sub paper.... =( haiz!
papers aftermath
The aftermath after the papers, aint only the "doomed" feeling. it comes with multiple outbreaks. and my mum insisted that i start using her facial products. or my face will be "doomed", like my results. LOL. not that i dont want to use the products that she's using. i dont like the end result after using it. i dont know if you guys have heard of DR Secret. that's what my mum's using and she's making me use it now. it comes in 5 bottles: cleansing, toner, skin light, skin recon and sun block. WTH. i totally hate the sunblock. it is the culprit to the ugly ending result: shiny skin. it makes me look like an oily disgusting FREAK.
my mum said i had uneven skin tone, a lot of clogged up pores, skin dry on the outside, oily on the inside. to sum it up, it means that my face is DISGUSTING and i look like a.. i dont know what man. i cant even think of something close to what i'm suppose to look like. ok, maybe aliens. or slightly worse. hahaha!
and my mum's determined to get rid of the scar on my left cheek. if you girls remember. since sec 2. after this terrible outbreak, the scar has been there. sometimes when it's feeling bitchy, it'll pop up a pimple or two.
my mother applied for me this afternoon. LOL. and i went to bed just now before she came home. in fear of second application. wells.. i regret actually. i should have just get it done quickly. the faster the pimples come out and the skin peels, the better what. LOL.
and those who have last seen me before today. good for you guys. had the last look of the best looking face that i'm going to have in my entire life. the next time you people see me again. i will have white and shiny face the resembles the auntie cooking char kuay tiao at the hawker centre.
and this product aint no cheap shit.
currently, i'm very irritated and in the mood to kill people. i think i should go to bed. the person who i can vent on is already sleeping. till the next morning...... alright, more like next afternoon.....