You can call me outdated and disgusting... but...... i just watched this movie... after about.... 10 thousand years? HAHA!
I LOVE..... ALVIN AND THE CHIPMUNKS!! OH MY HOLY SHIT!!!! they are GOD DAMN CUTE!!!!!!!!! wahhhhh.. seriously.. theodoreeee is sooooooo adorable. i just want to reach into the tv and pinch his hairy chubby cheeks. and simon....... ahhhhhh... his specs. alvin..... mmmm.. a little not very attractive to me.. cuz my brother's sitting beside me and irritating me.. when the David Seville shouts for alvin, that alvin beside me will answer! oh my god. irritating meeeeeee! and spoiling the cutteee movie!! damn it.
today's a happy day. i dont know why.. feel light and happy! tomorrow's gonna be a long and dreadful day... i hope my nose dont get into my way for dance tomorrow. my first time back after like say... 6 months? or is it 8? am really dreading exercise of sticking my face to the mirror. damnn it. damn it.. why did i ever sign up again. for the SLIM FIGURE! i will stick my face to the mirror! endure the pain! ignore the cough and occasional flying mucous! yes! =(
i'm gonna watch the forensic plus police show alreadyy! i'm addicted! i love HK DRAMAS!! good byes everyones. and of course, congratulations priya ning! top scorer! =D
sentosa-ed, sick, loving it!
i changed my skin AGAIN. cuz ALL my friends are IT idiots... they cannot understand SIMPLE instructions to the COOL blog.... HAHAHA! so i have to stick to this OHHH-SO-SIMPLE blogskin... heh heh.... JOKING LA.. the BKL gang sharpening their knives now..
kkkk.. i cant seem to upload pictures of the fishes!!! damn it. i think too many pictures already.. i'll try it again in another post. BB's waiting.. cant let her wait too long. later she butt-slam me. HAHA!
Sentosa-ed with BKL yesterday! and i fell sick right after that. i stupidly didnt drink a drop of plain water. but its ok!! we got to think on the bright side. i might lose weight! vera lost 5kg, shufen lost 1kg after they recovered from their illness. i might end up losing 6kg! HAHAHAHA!
it was fun fun fun yo with the babes as usual.. we walked sooooooo much. i think the total footsteps count would tally up to the number of footsteps that we walked for the past 19 years that we've been alive.
seen ladies of different sizes and colours in bikinis. and we came to a conclusion that chinese girls, are really ugly. oh man. i should have reincarnated to some middle eastern country or western country. HAHA. oh yeah! and not forgetting that chinese guys are really disgusting too. ok, i shouldnt sterotype but priya and i were pretty shock to come down to this conclusion too.
underwater world's as amazing as it always is. i loveeee that place. its such an irony that i really hate fishes. they are disgustingly disgusting that no other words can describe. well.. now i start to find myself equally disgusting.. -.-
In the tunnel, i observed that people like to reach out and touch the surface of the tunnel when the fishes swim really close. mmmm.. like they can touch them. and usually, these people arent the ones that stick their hands into the touch pool. HAHAHA!
and i think one dugong died! the other time i went with lania, clifford and julian. there were 2 dugongs! and now there is only one dugong left. sad sad.. maybe the other got too tramatised by the kids there. and dugongs = mermaid! sailors apparently mistook dugongs as mermaids as they are able to stand upright in the waters. dolphins can do that too! why nobody ever mistaken dolphins as mermaids. kkk. i know. its cuz of the distinctive mouth or is it nose of the dolphins. k, i'm stupid.
while waiting for the dolphin show to start............ we camhored like whores... really....... LOL!

sponge bob and patrick were there at sentosa too.

fullstop, BB

pri love!

stella baybeh!

the world's no.1 tripping over nothing champion!

haha! bb took this pic cuz fullstop took with big gulp and think its damn nice.
so asked bb to take also.. HAHAHA!

hahaha!! they laughed so much. look at my face. it looks like the giant grouper.

Went town with fullstop the day before! haha.. laughed and laughed. and yeah... thats probably the only thing two of us always do..
she doing stupid things AGAIN.. as usual...

k.... the two of us are dead broke. serious. HAHA! on the way to town, we were discussing how to save money and da bao to school from home.. so that we dont have to spend money... and withdraw only 20 bucks for that week and then keep the atm card at home.... the two of us are sooo disgusting.. HAHAHA! we ended up spending 35 dollars EACH for just a lunch. disgusting. disgusting. just like fishes.
we went to eat... our favourite.... KOREAN CUISINE!! hahaha!
we could have just simply spend 17 bucks each. but we chose the more expensive one. and ended up stuffing our faces with food.
the side dishes!

the half chicky left which jess stuffed her face with. BY HERSELF. haha!

ooooo. whole table fooood!

and compare with this table beside ours.. a couple ate this. soo little!!

trying to be different.. HAHA!
and also. not forgetting to curse the banglas over at my house area. they think that my estate is their bangladesh! every night at 9pm will put fireworks. CRAZY. hahaha! every night i got fireworks to enjoy. not like its those damn nice type... those cheap cheap fireworks. i wonder when will they get caught and get send back home. hahaha!