This is my 218th post in gorgeousgems, and this will be my last post here! :)
Happily tired
A very tiring week; all hail week O. The babes tried so hard to lose our voices. Failed attempt. at least for me. how about ya babes? :)
Just came back from flamenco festival; IV FERIA DE ABRIL 2009
so tired to upload photos and type. all i'll say is:
dancing together since young really helped our perfect coordination even with so little practice of a dance genre foreign to us.
many loves to the dancers! :)
Where are you, access card. :(
Not in my best days. :( frigging misplaced my access card. and i cant remember taking it out. was so in a mood to kill the savannah super duper anal neh neh securities. though it has got nothing to do with them. but they ought to be killed. hope the stone animal statues come alive at night, stomp on them and eat them alive.
and, my fingers are clicking and typing away too much nowadays. causing my already depleting bank account to undergo drought. i'm back to online shopping. need to pay for the access card replacement, buy and buy and buy clothes and eat and eat and eat and cab and cab and cab. is die. is die. if only i open my wardrobe, i see a money tree instead of mountains of clothes.
empress dowager is coming back tomorrow. no more drought and famine. i hope.
oh, and i'm totally in love with malteses. they're so cute! my neighbour's dogs. AWWWW. my holy doggie. max and popeye are the cutest malteses around. white balls of fur! argh! feel like pulling out all their fur. and pinch them and roll them like dough.
Fun, laughter and tired-ness!
Its been quite some time! so many things happened and i cant really remember them though. serious case of STM. lets go day by day.
All i remembered from this training camp:
PLENTY of masking tapes, newspapers, darkness, late or shall i say very early morning baths, flooded bathing cubicles, bad food, really bad food, PLENTY OF STAIRCASE CLIMBING.
poor stella, felicia, janice and a few others who lost their belongings. many many stealers, robbers, whatever you call these low forms around. but, something loss, there'll be something gain! *always look on the bright side of life! doodu, doodudoodudoodu.*
came home, and replenished sleep. slept for almost 24 hours, till i didnt know whats the day when i woke up the following day. had some misunderstandings with fie. glad we got it all sorted out. :)
31st march
Accompanied han to SMU then to NUS. even at NUS, able to spend money buying clothes. somethings wrong with us. and how nic whined about the 30 bucks. han cannot forget that, kept repeating to me even when we met up again the next day. and how we chiong to not kena the ERP. for 2 dollars, we sped and nic cursed so many times. end up, still got to pay. and....... we saw the cutest lifeform on earth - BUBBLES! <3 she's such a sweet lil thing! awwwww..... i missss her!! :(

April fools'
Got fooled by S. but saw through melvin tan! YAY! he was so irritated when his plan backfired. sorry melvin tan!
Night stimulation
Very tiring and stoned night. everyone was practically nodding off. and i was really about to fall off the lecture theatre seats and roll down the stairs, creating a slope behind me. had such a crazy jinxed cab hailing session with zeeda. ran across the road, back and then forth and left and then back to the right again. chasing cabs like two mad women. whole stimulation filled with gossips, gossips and more gossips!!
Arabian night
Attended mandy's 21st birthday party at ivory. a blast. but i only know 2 people there including the birthday girl. HOW SAD. made 1 friend there. all the cute guys there were taken. and, i chickened out from my "arabic wear" yes yes. i'm a chicken. i love to eat chicken. sweet n spicy drumlets please! but my brother and fiona was damn damn sweet. sent me to clarke quay. walked me to ivory, waited with me till my one and only friend came. then went to walk around and eat till the party ended to send me home. awwwww. my sweet big brother.

5th april
The unforgettable day! my dearest best friend eilania lee got her phone stolen while we were shopping. well.. thats pickpocket. right? too long never use such words. it was kinda a big hooha. the poor girl was stunned half the time after realising her phone was gone. i flew into my aunty instincts. :D called singtel. called police. talk to the CUTE topman guy. ooooo! and i tell you......... how useless singapore policemen are. and how inefficient, slow in action and suffer from cerebral malfunction. i called 999 so many times that i think they blacklisted my number. and the man at the reception will never name his daughter andrea. got into some fits argument with this policeman from bukit merah police station. 2 words to describe that guy - VERY ANAL. very anal policeman meets the EXTREMLY ANAL aunty. ooooo! clash of the titans! but after that, we somehow hit it off. weird i know. but fun talking to uncles. i meant anal uncles.
to eilania: 5th april, marina square, topshop :D
6th april + 7th april
Dedicated to decorating the LT. many youtube videos. many songs. many newspapers, once again.
gotta go back school tomorrow again for some refresh-something. dont know what they call it. cant remember. oh, and my president and empress dowager are flying off tomorrow. aint as thrilled as i thought i'll be. am threatening the president to buy me a darn bag. i'm like short of bags. :( so sick of my bags already. it'll better not be burberry.... i'll use that bag and suffocate myself.
lee chee shian! hope you're fine! what happened to today!? didnt contact meee! :(
Pre-camp preparation
Just came out from a hot bath. After packing my bag for camp tomorrow; which has the aftermath equivalent to running 2 rounds around the track.
I was literally panting and really thirsty after completing the CHORE of packing clothes and stuffs and nonsense for a 4 day 3 night camp. Managed to squeeze everything into 1 bag, 1 shoe bag, 2 hand carry makeup pouches. whoowhee. so tempted to bring a luggage. my brother thought i was going for a fashion show and that the amount of things i brought was incredibly impossible. and my mother and endang was busy asking if i brought this, brought that. they even more gan chiong then me.
Stella and i both had a super last min shopping trip for camp at about 8 plus 9. went to those chapalang shops and bought all that we need for the camp that could be found there. the most happy buy for me, is a TORCH LIGHT!!!!!!!! NO GHOSTS, NO VAMPIRES, NO MONSTERS! WOOHOO! very happy to find torch lights there. :D
Am trying not to feel sad that many year 1s will be attending this shit. and not to forget the irresponsible asc people who cant seem to reply smses. i'mma risking getting kicked out of my flamenco performance this april for this nonsense. cant believe i'm not weighing out my priorities properly. hope my white lie this friday can pass! sigh..
And, we're so gonna make hell loads of new friends. i'm betting that none will be my age. all the xiao didi and xiao meimei. i'm not very old. just 25 more days to being 20. not too bad. not too bad. am indulging in self-pity and fully submerged in denial.
Hope there wont be any anal people there. just ended my period. and there wont be any pms. and will be in a relatively good mood which means being nice and soft and kind and all things good. good thing. good thing. can appease the rest of the babes if they ever get into any fight. (highly possible) :D *PEACE babes!*
ALRIGHT! ALL SET TO GO! ANDREA LIM IS GOING FOR A CAMP! yes, laugh your ass off now. i volunteered for it. i'm such a kind soul.