Pre-camp preparation
Just came out from a hot bath. After packing my bag for camp tomorrow; which has the aftermath equivalent to running 2 rounds around the track.
I was literally panting and really thirsty after completing the CHORE of packing clothes and stuffs and nonsense for a 4 day 3 night camp. Managed to squeeze everything into 1 bag, 1 shoe bag, 2 hand carry makeup pouches. whoowhee. so tempted to bring a luggage. my brother thought i was going for a fashion show and that the amount of things i brought was incredibly impossible. and my mother and endang was busy asking if i brought this, brought that. they even more gan chiong then me.
Stella and i both had a super last min shopping trip for camp at about 8 plus 9. went to those chapalang shops and bought all that we need for the camp that could be found there. the most happy buy for me, is a TORCH LIGHT!!!!!!!! NO GHOSTS, NO VAMPIRES, NO MONSTERS! WOOHOO! very happy to find torch lights there. :D
Am trying not to feel sad that many year 1s will be attending this shit. and not to forget the irresponsible asc people who cant seem to reply smses. i'mma risking getting kicked out of my flamenco performance this april for this nonsense. cant believe i'm not weighing out my priorities properly. hope my white lie this friday can pass! sigh..
And, we're so gonna make hell loads of new friends. i'm betting that none will be my age. all the xiao didi and xiao meimei. i'm not very old. just 25 more days to being 20. not too bad. not too bad. am indulging in self-pity and fully submerged in denial.
Hope there wont be any anal people there. just ended my period. and there wont be any pms. and will be in a relatively good mood which means being nice and soft and kind and all things good. good thing. good thing. can appease the rest of the babes if they ever get into any fight. (highly possible) :D *PEACE babes!*
ALRIGHT! ALL SET TO GO! ANDREA LIM IS GOING FOR A CAMP! yes, laugh your ass off now. i volunteered for it. i'm such a kind soul.