four important announcements
Everybody, i got four important announcements to make.
First, my term test ends tomorrow.
Second, i've screwed my term testssssss up.
Third, i cant see my tagboard. darn shit. its been quite a long time. the reason why i've not been replying tags. if there is any. LOL!
HAHAHA! the fourth announcement is CANCELLED. due to certain reasons. it shall be a mystery to those who havent seen it. and a number 1 JOKE to those who have seen it.
special thanks to VERA ANG, NICOLE SU, YAO LIHAN and TAN ZHE YA. these are the few who saw it and asked me about it. and... YES. they told me it aint a good idea. and... after much pestering, HAHAHA! it really aint a good idea.
i love you guys. i really do. although i still think nicole and vera are the bitchiest thing alive.