a n d r e a .
burnt my hair.. =(
we =))

this is the last picture, with my long, dried, thick disgusting hair. i think my hair knows that i'm cutting her today. and she feels damn damn sad. cuz, she was exceptionally nice today. a lil shiny, smooth... and had a nice ending curl. buttt, HAIZ.... i booked the appointment already.
my mum hates my hair now. HAHA! i'm neutral with it.
i watched simpsons today!!!! wahahaha! it was funny. =D
i'm gonna FAIL my HAP and CSAS BADLY. LOL! if somebody can burn the two stack of papers. so that i can re-take. with the same questions of course. HAHA!
i like my previous hair MORE. =(
vera = idiocy LOL
went out with vera ang today.
nicole su's suppose to join us.. but... as usual, we couldnt contact her. we called her, and all we heard was "clak clak clak sharrke sharrke sharrke." HAHA! her new way of escaping..
we laughed damn a lot. had soooo many jokes. LOL! till i forgot like almost ALL of them. well, half the jokes were on vera. her stupidity and moron-nes, still as powerfully wonderful! LOL. heart to heart talk!! WOOHOOO! =D
veri didnt come school today... and the three of us made full use of the floor outside com lab. LOL! sat outside there, and watched people walk in and out of the lab. and p.ning stupidly "BOO" this lecturer! of alll people. OF ALL PEOPLE. there were sooo many other people to scare, she chose a lecturer. a toot toot, nerd nerd, hunched back female lecturer with thick round glasses in her 40s. something's DAMN wrong with her la. LOL!! and she insists on betting that i couldnt finish my lunch today. and i FINISHED EVERYTHING! i was soooo god damn hungry... =))
and.... i'm gonna cut my hair soon. by this week. LOL. i hope my mum agrees. gosh. i cant take it anymore... i still want the curls.. but its damn dried and frizzy and damaged and LONG and THICK. and DISGUSTING! and my mum INSISTED that i can only perm in october. so if i cut my hair now, i will have to endure 3 months of not straight not curly hair. and if i dont cut now, i have to endure dried, frizzy, damaged, long, thick and DISGUSTING hair.
i am torned. =(
had a 4 hour break today. so, we planned to watch TRANSFORMERS today. OOOOOOO! though its my second time watching it, its still as interesting! and i found my new boyfriend! HAHAHAHAHA!
ELECTRIC BLUE FIRE TRUCK!! found him sooo "ooooooo" the first time watching transformers.. and today, i am sooo SURE that he WILL BE MY BOYFRIEND till........................... the end of this week. =)
we smuggled our lunch into the theatres. i had 1 tori Q set meal, 1 corn soup, 2 bread from breaktalk and shared a carton of sugarcane and waterchestnut tea with veri. sounds damn little ar? i thought so too. but oh my.......... lol! i ate the breads and drank the corn soup first. and some parts damn interesting. so i stopped eating. well, that was a mistake. the bread and the soup mixed in my stomach. and the bread sort of erm... the yeast thing, it will make you DAMN bloated. LOL! so i only managed to finish half my tori Q set. veri's number 1 man!! lol! she bought 1 tori Q set and 1 ebi rice burger and 1 corn soup. siao lor!!! she's ultimate eater man!! and she ate abit of my breads. wah laoooooo! hahahaha! can fight with vera. =)
after the show, veri and jess insisted on playing the "shooting shooting" game in the arcade. lol. but we all ended up going crazy over the erm.... damn. i dont know whats the name for it. the table game. four players. and one flat ball? HAHAHAHAHA! then our aim is to hit into the hole of the opponent. ok, i just made a bad description. anyhow, its DAMN DAMN FUN. HAHAHAHA! i bet if the neh nehs go and play, it will be chaos. total chaos. especially with nicole there.
and i dont know why, i am broke. i really dont know why!! i dont take cab as frequent. but i'm god damn broke la!! LOL!! hope optimus prime will give me some allowance tonight. =)
my weekends this week are screwed. totally screwed. i'm free. yet i cant go out. HAHAHA! i'm not exactly free la. competitions are at night for both days. but, i cant go out in the morning and afternoon. LOL. SUUUCCCCCKKKKKSSSSSXXXXZZZZ!
and i still dont know what cca the side burn guy is in.......... didnt see him in the gym today.... DAMN IT. thought he has gym trainings on tuesdays... =( HAHAHA! its ok. FATE! I WILL SEE HIM TOMORROW! i have this very very strong feeling. hahahaha! oh, by the way. side burn guy's this guy i saw at the gym last tuesday. thought he was kinda good looking. wooo! tanned.. styled hair with side burn, muscles... but short la. HAHA! and i saw him again last friday walking into AS. wooooo! my new eyecandy!
eunchs!! =D
Bebe and junior went for the "join the eunuch federation operation" today. and the two of them are kinda pissed off with us. lol! when i came home. junior saw me.. and ran away and stared at me from a distance. bebe didnt greet me at the top of the staircase. he was hiding at the front of the toilet. and he was tearing. i think the operation was bad. painful.. two of them seemed very affected. and they refuse to eat. oh, and one of my hamsters died of starvation i think. cuz he refused to eat.
I hate tuesdays now. not only i got dance in school. i got to complete biochem and hap tutorials. damn. and i so dread tomorrow's after 7pm. the rehearsal with the world's MOST idiotic, moronic bastard on earth, with the ego soooooo huge that it can cover the whole universe. sooo hate him. the guy that terrorized me last year. he is back. cuz my instructor's overseas and he's helping him out. wth.

veri baby
fi & veri
dogs in the house.=)
alright. i'm gonna update this shit. HAHA.
got junior today. =)) its a jack russell. and there's a pomeranian in the house too. HAHA. and he's called bebe. so now, i've got two dogs. one junior (jack). one bebe (pom). my mum totally hates junior. LOL. she'll learn to love it. everyone loves bebe! HAHA! its soooo CUTE. blur blur one.
i hope itomi comes back like 2 months later with a lot of babies!! that'll be soooo fun. i wonder if the two dogs now can smell the trace of itomi...... confirm can right? when itomi comes back. the two better treat her like queen.
bee bee!!
human anatomy really sucks. lol! and my result for that sucks too. this is not good. i didnt study for that paper. and i failed it. HAHAHA! wth. its not surprising though. all the memorising shit. if you didnt study, how are you suppose to know all the FACTS and SCIENTIFIC TERMS. how muscles work. how the nervous impulses are being transmitted. what are the functions of our skin. what the hell does the hypothalamus and pituitary gland do. and we got to memorise 22 weird long hormones names and its functions, stimulated by which gland, which other hormone. and many more...... >.<
went for dance. my cca. not the outside one. LOL. wth. i do go for school dance man. when i say i'm going for dance, everybody thought my outside dance. dont you guys remember?? i'm in tp dance! HAHAHAHAHA!
Helping liting foster this pom now. =)) very very guai. compared to itomi. soooooooooo obedient. LOL. bring him out for walk. i got to literally PULL and DRAG him. he doesnt like walks. a little weird? YES. lol! barks softly.. whines softly.. sooo gu niang. aiyo!

ah la la la la
cheer up vera. that guy, should just dig his eyeballs out and paste it on his ass cheeks. a total loser. show him attitude tomorrow la. =)) HAHA. he'll probably start scolding you again. saying not happy dont come school.. then you SHOW somemore. then he'll probably cant take it and BREAK DOWN INTO TEARS. hahahahaha!!
alright. school's BAD. have been skipping lectures. [ P.S. to veri, ning and fi: i dont mean anything. REALLY. =)) ]
yesterday, we had a 3 hour break. today, we had a four hour break. tomorrow, we're gonna have a 4 hour break too. yay. school's sooo interesting. when you have long breaks. WTH. the school is FREAKING INEFFICIENT LA. WASTE ALL OUR TIME IN SCHOOL DOING NOTHING. gosh. and school food totally sucks. and thank god there are FRIENDS around in school. or it'll be a living hell.
alright. here are some photos.. during the break yesterday! all taken by CHIANG veri. =))
the really huge ass and trotters.
bad bad bad day.
today, is a bad day.
went dance. and watched transformers. its a good show. but everything got to screw up after 9pm till now. after that, tried to get a cab. but.. wth. i called a cab from 9pm to 11pm. couldnt get one. ended up taking a train home. and saw my brother. and i was with someone whom i shouldnt be seen with. bad bad bad day. lucky my brother stayed on to wait for a cab. and i trained home with that person. and my brother promised to zip his mouth.
and now. he got to piss me off. piece of shit. what a perfect start for the week. i hope all screwed up things end here. my brother shut his mouth. and that person do something to make me less pissed off. my remaining math and human anatomy results aint gonna be fucked up. and everything goes smoothly and happily.