eunchs!! =D
Bebe and junior went for the "join the eunuch federation operation" today. and the two of them are kinda pissed off with us. lol! when i came home. junior saw me.. and ran away and stared at me from a distance. bebe didnt greet me at the top of the staircase. he was hiding at the front of the toilet. and he was tearing. i think the operation was bad. painful.. two of them seemed very affected. and they refuse to eat. oh, and one of my hamsters died of starvation i think. cuz he refused to eat.
I hate tuesdays now. not only i got dance in school. i got to complete biochem and hap tutorials. damn. and i so dread tomorrow's after 7pm. the rehearsal with the world's MOST idiotic, moronic bastard on earth, with the ego soooooo huge that it can cover the whole universe. sooo hate him. the guy that terrorized me last year. he is back. cuz my instructor's overseas and he's helping him out. wth.

veri baby
fi & veri