cheque disasters.

Almost got my ass burnt today. lol
My collegue asked me to help her bank in 2 cheques. I didnt hear her say which bank to drop them into. and i have no idea where my dumb ass brain got the assumption that its POSB. so i went to POSB.. before i dropped the cheque in, i still asked my friend "correct ar?!" and she said "ummm" HAHA! wth!! 8000 dollars. banked into the wrong bank.
and the both of us happily went upstairs... and then... the collegue who asked us to bank in the cheque double checked with us the bank which we dropped the cheque.. and.... HAHAHAHA! what a toot.
the customer service officers at the POSB are difficult people. lol! soo many procedures to do just to take out 2 cheques that we dropped in 15 minutes ago. to them, its the law. to us, they're just being plain bitches. they insisted that we cannot take back the cheque. we got to wait for the cheque to be taken to the head quarters and only when the headquarters receive an email from the toa payoh branch saying the cheque is banked wrongly will they then send the cheque back to us. that'll probably take a week to 2 weeks. LOL! full of shit.
without any expression on her face, my collegue said," where's your manager?" LOL!
now we know... anything, just say you want to see the manager. no matter how difficult it is, they'll still do it for you. :)
"Cheques that dont belong to me, dont go well with me."
cuz last year, i my mother asked me to drop a cheque. and i dropped it into the wrong bank too. LOL! but that time was pure stupidity. my mother told me UOB. i went to OCBC. or some other bank. cuz they were side by side. i walked into the wrong one. -.-
check out how fat i am.
my triple chin. :)

"the offspring of a bangla and a dog" said mum
my new hair. looks the same though.
vera over at my house... weeks ago.
dog signs and languages.

ok. which is better.
with specs
vera cooking her egggggg. LOL
being herself.