a n d r e a .
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
  missing tk dance =(
Just read zheya's blog. lol! everytime i look at her msn nick, its soo cute! it reads "capt-must-look-good-must-be-nice" such a sweet girl. definitely deserves a good boyfriend! =) maybe i should transfer this quote to my captain. lol!

and suddenly miss TK dance hell loads. and mj dance too. tp dance dont have that type of bonding, and LIVE in it. it's more or less segregated, with the hip hop as the dominant one. but hip hop is so..... hmmm. its already sem 2 but we're still so shy and withdrawn towards each other. -.- its kind of weird. i think nobody bothers to put in any effort. LOL! no wonder modern is always so low profile. though i seriously think that the modern dancers would actually put up better performances then the hip hoppers. in the mind of youngsters.. hip hop will obviously be more catchy. but really, who would actually pay big bucks to watch hip hop? its usually the modern, contemporary and ballet. especially ballet. that gets all the grand performance theatre and it being counted as a high end performances. so, what the hell is wrong with the people?! boost modern dance man! there's more thing to watch in modern than hiphop. more things to "wow" at. HAHA! gosh... sorry if anybody reading this is a pro hip hopper. not that i'm against it. i still do hiphop. it just that i think hiphop is overrated. and....

i'm really disturbed by the AS hip hoppers that can do their "thing" ANYWHERE, and EVERYWHERE.

and of course.. as long as it is dance, be it ballet, modern, hiphop, salsa, latin, waltz, jazz, malay, chinese, indian, russian and whatever you've got there, it always has its own style and its always BEAUTIFUL!

p.s tk dancers! corner to corner soon!! i'm losing it!
(oh my god. this is how long we've all not met. i cant even find a photo of all of us! wtf! not even the syf photo. or just the few of us!! -.-)

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