happy birthday to me!!!! =)

Hotel stay with PC was fab! =D
had loads of fun with a little puking-session and getting "kicked" off the bed with maine. HAHA!
1) met von and maine
2) sent maine off to her SMU interview
3) off to check in at amara with von
4) went wow wow wow wow over the washroom ( i love NICELY FURNISHED toilets!)
5) walked around and TRIED to find food at icon
6) finally, settled down at tori Q
7) went down to city hall to shop and wait for maine
8) a very very long wait...... both von and i were DEAD tired
10) down to amara!!
11) waited for the rest to reach
12) and down to the swimming pool!
13) i learnt how to swim with my head up!!!!!!!!!! wahahahaha! i'm such a loser.
14) bathed, dressed up, to chjmes!
15) hog's breath there... aint very up to standard
16) a bunch of people. sooooo freaking noisy. and we shouted to compete with them
17) yes, we're so childish. haha!
18) bartender too generous with the liquor
19) maine all red, suat all red, i was all red too.
20) ting, the sole survivor! wooohooo! with nel too!
21) suat puked
22) i felt like puking after seeing her puke. LOL
23) ended up forcing myself to puke. HAHAHAHA!
24) puking's good! i puked out all the rubbish i ate that night!
25) maine BATHED!!! =D
26) watched the first half of some witch craft show
27) all fell asleep
28) woke up with suat's knee on my left boob
29) shifted, and her knee's against my back. lol! grinding in...
30) decided to roll on the floor, with maine!
31) mcgriddles for breakfast in the room =)
32) home sweet home <3
pictures up soon..
and of course... HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME! i love me! =)
i'm one year older... yet again........... =(
and i wish......................................................................