dumb mosquitoes

My house is a MASSIVE BREEDING GROUND for mosquitoes. I've got so many HOLES on my big hands, large arms, huge calves, humongous stomach and gi-mongous thighs. i scratch so much till my scalp also itchy. i think that DUMB black little six long legs inserted that long needle-like thing into my peabrain.
Its ccn day. what a big huge crowd. and i spent so much money. withdrew 30 bucks and spent all. i tell you... i can commit suicide. maybe the mosquitoes can suck all my blood away.
i bought a small little plant for mummy! =D
bought accessories.
Had a "tatoo" with my chinese name.
ate a thousand and one things.
and... i just realise why i keep scratching my stupid scalp.
CUZ I BLOODY FORGOT TO WASH MY HAIR TODAY. FFFFFFFFF! i cant believe i'm so disgustingly disgusting. i've got a reason OK! let me say my story..........
in the morning, i was in a rush... cuz i didnt want to be late for aimm lecture. or else that not so nice teacher will scold, take matric card and say," late ar late ar? why why? why are you always late? give me your matric card." and give you that irritating look.
and expect you to give a equally irritating answer like," oh. i forgot the way to school."
"oh. the uncle said i wasnt good-looking enough to board the bus."
or maybe...
" oh. i wanted you to scold me and take my matric card and NOTICE me.. cuz i'm sooooo in love with you..." HAHAHAHA!
and i thought i would wear a cap to school today. so i didnt wash my hair in the morning like what i usually do. i just bathed. then when i came home... i was so excited to show my mother and brother my "tattoo". but this tattoo got a very very very very very bad point: it will be washed off once in contact with soap and water. so, i wrapped it with the transparent waterproof food wrapper.. went many many rounds and i looked like i was preparing for a liposuction or some huge fats removing course. its on the underside of my forearm. too excited, forgot that i havent wash my hair for the day. HAHA! lucky i didnt do that "tattoo" at the back of my neck like what priya did. can you imagine how i'm going to protect it from touching soap and water?! wrap my whole neck. HAHAHA!