This week's such a sad week. =(
I've forgotten what happened. everything happened so fast. and so many shits happened.
Multiple deadlines, quizzes after quizzes, tests after tests, tons and tons of assignments. Dumb presentation. And not forgetting the damn damn damn damn DAMN irritating e-learning fpath. For IT idiots like me, we seriously have alot of difficulty.
And to add on to all these troubles, there comes all these unwanted problems which is so difficult to handle: friendship problems and of course, my confusing and so very troubled relationship problem. I swear, i would exchange 100 e-learning fpath assignments for one of my bestie back and to solve the boy trouble which is really scratching my teeny weeny heart now.
A lighter note, i think i'm starting to enjoy going for my ballet classes again, plus an addition toning up class with my ballet beauties! and i cant wait for the school dance classes to resume. cursed, sweared and slapped myself 34578654 times for quitting the dance in school. but honestly, i'm building alot of muscles now. which means... the figures on the weighing scale's not going decrease.. and i basically cannot and will never get my old figure back. =(
and..... i'm going to get my loafers on monday. i tell you.... if its out of stock.. i will chop off my pinky. i NEED that pair of loafers. you know.. for that loafers, i swallowed down this damn fucking disgusting dessert in Shang palace. it nearly cost my life. thanks to my oh so wonderful mother. one of the days last week, we went shopping. everybody in my family bought at least one thing except for ME. POOR ME. POOR DISGUSTING ME. i couldnt find anything to buy! like how? how to not find anything to buy!! you tell me... i looked around SOOO HARD with my teeny weeny beady eyes, desperately trying to find something nice. just nice is enough. dont need to be perfect. i just NEED to get something. LOL. and yay! i found this pair of loafers. i tried on, damn damn damn damn X 100000 times comfortable. but.. its 100 odd. i told my oh so wonderful mother that i've found something to buy. she said ok.. and looked at the price.. then she said,"100 plus leh girl.." so being the oh so very good girl, i said "its ok lor.. then dont buy." HAHAHA!
and after about 2 hours, i bloody regret.
at that time, we were already at Shang palace having dinner. It was already the last course, which is the damn damn damn damn bloody disgusting dessert. I told my mother that i want that loafers. then she said ok, she'll get it. i was happy la. obviously. then when i brought the first spoonful of that damn damn damn damn bloody disgusting dessert into my mouth, i almost spat it out. YUCKS. i refused to eat it. and my mother used the loafers to threaten me! wah... i tell you...... my mother... is so wonderful... and i licked the bowl dry. lol!!
Graduation day!
please pardon her.. she think that she's a singer.


look! i got 2 bodyguards! hahahaha!
what a coincidence..

ok, everybody.. let me introduce to you...
the world's most most most fucking disgusting DESSERT!
from shang palace - shang-ri la
dont be deceived by its appearance..

i love oh so beautiful toilets!

mummy and papa!