Alright! its the happy weekends again!!! but this 2 supposedly happy days are being dedicated to work and work and work and work and work. got to complete PBL, and all those dumb tutorials and there is a FPATH test on mondayyy! ahhhh! i need to take in more vitamin C. brings down the damn stress level.
lala's spastic!! LOL!! <3

oh... and the movie WANTED is damnnnnnn GOOD! OOOOO! angelina jolie really has a very hot body. oooooooo.. lifted my sad sad sad so sad mood! hahahA!

School's fun, as usual with my new classmates and the bitches!
During Biochem lab this week, we had to handle concentrated sulphuric acid. Smoke came out from the test tube once we drop it drop by drop into the test tube with other chemicals inside. coool shit! haha.. and as future doctors and scientists, hanwei, chris, peyton and i decided to try out how strong H2SO4 really is... and lo and behold... it burnt a hole in the serviette or napkins or whatever you call that piece of thing. hahaha! han wei dropped a couple of drops at first.. then we dont see any reaction.. so he dropped more.. and then he started to eat off the paper and sip through it! and we all started to panic. HAHAHA! and i laughed so much that i think some H2SO4 that evaporated went into my mouth. later throughout the whole day i had skin irritation! both my shoulders were hot and red and itchy.. then my fingers became itchy.. then my face became itchy.. and i became a monkey. lab's so fun with crazy and fun classmates! and of course. lab's fun with mr zhang pengchi! he basically doesnt give a shit! Apparently one of my lab classmate suffered a burnt from conc. H2SO4 last year. got a black black mark on his hands. and he was wearing gloves then. scary shit. no wonder scientists earn so much. their live is in danger every single day.. once they step into the lab, halleiluya. must buy alot alot of insurance.
oh yea, this is the burnt thing thing. we stopped it cuz we are chickens. HAHAA!

The clan accompanied me to wait till the clock strikes 7pm. had to go for dance practice, but didnt want to go home. so they all SWEETLY accompanied me, every thurs and fri! sooo sweet right....... =))
and we played....... DARE & DARE in the god damn LIBRARY. hahahahahahaha!!
we laughed sooo much that we irritated basically EVERYONE in level 3. they probably felt like stuffing their shoes, socks, underwears into our mouths. lol!!

the lucky me didnt get any dares at all! haha!
lala's dare: go into the boy's toilet and take a picture of the urinal.
priya's dare: first dare was to go into each and every cubicle of cable tv and pace back and forth infront of the tv and before she walk off, stand in front of the tv and block their view. LOL! then we changed it to her walking right into the cubicle and knock on the wall, and put her ear next to the wall and listen. but eventually, the dare that she did was standing on the so-called ladder in the middle of level 3 where everyone can see her, and she stood at the highest point and count till 10 secs. oh my god. she really did look like an idiot. HAHAHA! go pri go!!!!
heider's dare: to walk up to this guy using the computer, and stare into the computer with his face right next to the user. HAHAHA! this one is classic!
priya and stella's second team dare: go up to this basketballer and say this,"hi, i'm priya and i'm stella. can i have your number? can i have it? can i have it? can i have your number? can i have it? can i have it? with the irritating face and irritating voice. and their hands must have to yoyoyo action! but!! this is the only dare that failed!! cuz the basketballer was too serious and scary! hahaha! and the two of them got scared!
and we ended the whole thing after that failed dare.. and we all created a stupid story. haha! with us sitting in a circle and saying one word each. its damnnnn funny! how it can turn out to be a story.
a well grown pink rose plant and one that is erm... rotten? HAHAHA!

and check out fidelia's hands! haha! she's DEAD! got poisoned!

staying HAPPY! =D