all about our laughter
God's been quite kind. with friends around. been laughing and laughing and laughing and more laughing every single day. cuz, they are really funny. lol! got abandoned by lee chee shian today. but she's suppose to make up to me tomorrow. heh... i got FREE LUNCH PLUS FREE DRINKS PLUS FREE DINNER PLUS FREE DESSERTS PLUS MY FREQUENT DESIRE TO EAT! =D everything FREE TOMORROW!!! oh YEAH!
stella's been a good company. with zeeda! and marsella, my new found daughter. lol!
going out with stella = laughing NON-STOP. cuz she is so funny. her face. and she keeps making mistakes for me to laugh LOUDLY at. and the amount of food we eat. is ultimate. we make a good pair cuz..... stella is good at buying things, together with me. Buy PLENTY of food, in the name of "sharing". end up, andrea lim the hippo + pig + alien hybrid got to finish everything up. and that girl, half way through her own set, she can tell me she's full. and start burping into my ear and my face. leaving the set that we're suppose to share tooo ME. poor ME. lol!! meat balls. i tell you. i wont eat them for the next 30 days.
introducing, my daughter - marsella!

2 indo girls and 1 cross breed. HAHA!

study mad-ness!!!!
she thinks that its her house..

she also thinks that its her house!
of course, i dont sit like them. i'm so demure. please..... =D

i took this pic! i think its NICE! =D but she thinks not...
(aye, is it me, or am i typing to many "thinks"? its kinda pissing me off.)

hardworking? ACT only........ LOL!

never left her seat at ALL!

a.. la. la. la. la. la. la. la.

competition to see whose lips can flip up and touch the nose. LOL!
obviously i win!!!! stop trying BB!

BB looks like a dog + rat cross breed! HAHAHAHAHAA!

haha! she was doing some weird face. when she saw my face.
she laughed and pressed snap. LOL! and it turned out like this.

hippooo!!!!!! eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! DISGUSTING!

the girl below finds herself intellectual by wearing 2 specs.
its a good try. keep it up BB! =D
and those bracelets of hers. purposely.. purposely.
she knowwwwww i loveee them. lol!

pri and i! had our hair cut! haha!
my fringe is officially RETARDED.
Crowne plaza's BEAUTIFUL toilet.
pardon my DISGUSTING hair. i cant help it.
we tried out best to make it the LEAST gross.
what are you thinking, boy?