a n d r e a .
And to add on to my miserable post,
i woke up to see that my ballet friend messaged to bring a costume.
though that costume is the smallest amongst all.
but i'm still very anal about it.
i got to carry that costume around from 9 to 5!
and after that carry it to buy my new MP3 or MP4 or ipod whatever.
and later go for class.
and i'm wearing my loafers now,
and i forgot to wear socks.
and my dumb face is exceptionally swollen today!
i'm such a grumbling old woman.
eilania just said that i'm not.
and i proved her wrong. HAHA!
its 9.00am.
i'm f-ing late for lab.
good bye.
i'm back home! =)
ballet was good, surprisingly!
no scoldings!
no extra exercises!
no sacarastic remarks!
all smiles! =D
i ended up having all the time to eat today!
cause, i happen to skip all my lectures.
other than MBIO,
which i have no freaking idea what went on.
its halloween.
and i'm at HOME.
i should be somewhere having a party.
this year, lania got As.
i'm SO looking forward to halloween next year!
Today went relatively well.
SOO much better than what i predicted earlier today.
other than hearing mr ex-boyfriend having another girl now,
its a rather good 31.10.08
and, i really NEED to cut off ties with mr ex-boyfriend.
i've already forgotten his existence.
so, please refrain from saying anything about him.
well, I'M JINXED.
ah. whatever.
have full dress rehearsal tomorrow.
and after that to buy my MP3!
i'm gonna bring my notes to study.
i really wish to stone amongst the young ballerinas.
all my friends have a reason not to go for full dress tomorrow.
except ME.
life's a bitch sometimes.
and we got to live with it. urghhh.
oh yes. and i think i'm dying from some disease.
i have this feeling.
my right arm feels so weak.
i cant lift it up!
i really dont like the finale dance.
its so tiring. and makes my arms go weak. =(
thanks nel, maine and ting!
i forgot to book the tix just now. HEE.
will do so tomorrow or something! haha!
anybody else wanna come?
i've not seen all the other items though.
but my items are kinda like...............
so, second thoughts? HAHA!
got to go save my arm.
good night world!
I destoryed my MP4 which i used just for 1 semester.
just transferred new songs inside.
and..... it died suddenly!
Am about to kill myself.
and its not helping that tomorrow's a friday.
i've got class from 9 to 5 WITHOUT any breaks.
after that, i've got to go ballet.
i didnt go last week.
so, i'm in for some shit tomorrow.
i've not received any confirmation of getting the air ticket to US end this year.
so i wont get to go LA, Las vegas.
my mother's collegue hasnt gotten back to me about the miu miu bag
that i asked her to help me get from europe.
My life is even more sad,
with weird and psychotic people wanting my already very very very pathetic life.
I'm really sinking badly into self-pitying mode.
I dont understand,
why is there the existence of such WEIRD people!
he asked,"why is your msn always put to busy"
i said,"cuz i'm really busy with stuffs"
he asked,"like what?"
@#$%^&*(&^%$#@! WTF!
and this is not the only weird question he asked me ok! holy mother of god.
He just keeps coming and coming and coming.
Maybe changing my email address is a very very brilliant idea after all.
and i've already thought of one! - mytinyeyes@hotmail.com
hows that? priya says its RE-TAR-DED. jess says its cute. HAHA!
i think, its creative. and it describes me! what do ya say!
am gonna go to bed now. to end my miserable day.
hope tomorrow will be a better day.
2 weeks worth
Last Tuesday: went clarke quay
With eilania and yulin
Ate, walked, talked, laughed, planned.
Last Friday: went dempsy and holland V.
With eilania, nicole and friends.
2am bar's really a good place to stone.
And the people there are really nice :)
Tuesday: school started.
damn it. its a very very slack week.
did nothing. lol.
other than being a freaked out,
psycho bitch, who went through depression on wednesday,
after finding out my tutorial slot of public speaking.
everything's relatively cool and calm in school.
Yesterday: Arena-ed.
That was the worse clubbing experience ever.
Its always one wrong move.
but managed to just dance like a psycho shit.
quite sad that stella and jessica didnt seem to enjoy :(
wrong day i guess. we'll go again on a better day! hah!
oh yes, how can i forget about my depression just before going to arena.
Today: airport with pc
ate at mcdonald's due to the reccession.
as requested by birthday girl!
found out some disgusting truths, yet again.
lol! its good to meet up.
so many gossips! juicy!
Oh yea, and Happy birthday mummy! <3
i'mma filial! heh!
oh my gosh. i just want to kill endang now.......
i'm so freaking lazy to move my big ass.
and she freaking keep pestering me to bathe!!
in total pms mode! ahhhhhhhhhh!
It's a very tiring day!
Woke up at 8.30am. Thanks to PRIYA NING.
Thats the earliest i ever got out of my house! Other than getting my ass to school, of course.
i thought i was just in time when the surcharge's over. but... when i board the damn cab, it was 9.28am. @#$%^&*(*&^%$#
and i cant understand a word from the taxi uncle.
i probably need to learn more languages? LOL!
i'll join you priya, for your thai class! and arabic class too?
so that when we decide to go egypt and die,
our souls will be able to communicate with the souls or god there.
Had fun talking to the 2 bitches today.
talked about EVERYTHING. lol!
including: whether 6 months is enough to do everything before you die.
and what are the things we're gonna do. LOL!
discussed about PANCAKES.
pri, you will see SB's face there if you eat a chao tao pancake.
and see CC's face there if you eat a not very cooked pancake. HAHAHA!
Intended to go GIANT. but ended up at this retarded's (below) house.

look at the ah sum in the background. HAHAHA!

too gross! HAHAHAHA! <3

a fat disgusting animal lying on sofa in a retarded's house.

holy.... the oh-so-smelly antique telephone of hers. my face smelled like shit for the entire day till i managed to get it washed later on.

the culprit of the day: who got all of us up so early! hahaha!
and also the same girl who toured the whole of pasir ris today on foot, alone. =D

the 3 early birds!!!!

and...... priya was thirsty and craving for bubble tea. Originally wanted to go whitesands. but have no idea how did the plan evolve to going tm instead... and after buying bubble tea.. we miraculously.... ended up at MY HOUSE! =D
introducing one of the eunuchs, BEBE!

that was a force kiss. HAHAHA! the princess kissing the TOAD.

fie looks like she's gonna faint anytime..
and true enough.. she fell asleep.... and....

i decided to do some tatoo for her! FREE TATOO! she wanted tatoos! i'm such a good friend!!! cant help it!

aint it a beauty!!!
(p.s. i helped her elongate her about to grow out leg hair) HAHAHAHA!

job done!
A picture with the final work, the designer and the happy recepient!
(not forgetting my the other eunuch who happens to be in the picture too, JUNIOR!)

after a foot tatoo. she requested for a breast tatoo!
what a sporty girl! alright!!

and it was knock out time! hahaha.

pri doing back massage for fie.
and.. i asked her to help me massage my poor aching shoulders.
she said she dont know how to massage shoulders.
absolutely my best friend!
i woke up at 8.30 to accompany her, know....

and the day went on.. they went home..
and i went to ballet.
it killed me physically and mentally. =(
cuz i didnt go last week. and my teacher wasnt happy at all.
i had to do extra exercises. =(
and there were extra steps added for opening dance.
and i was so stress trying to pick up the steps taught last week plus this week's steps.
this shows the aging brains and bones.
new brusies! but at least the opening dance is a real good piece! :D
alright babes!
my performance is on the 4th december, thursday.
anybody wanna come??
not all ballet items though! its a complete mixed genre.
but i'm not sure if there's hiphop. i doubt so.
if not........
i'll probably get pulled in again!
i dont know why my ballet teacher thinks that i'm into hiphop and good at it. @#$%*&^%$#
i want to watch mama mia. i'm the biggest loser. cuz the last time i ever stepped into the theatres was like..... 2 months ago? hmmm.
and i need to eat buffet. though i need to lose weight.
everything in life contradicts themselves! or is it just me!?
sending labbie off tomorrow! hmmm.. the brave one!
i really dont want poly to end. cuz i have no idea which uni to go.
i definitely wont get into a local uni.
i'll have to go overseas!!!
but thats so.....
and if i'm going to go aussie. its such a waste of my freaking time.
could have gone right after O levels.
and think about it. if i've gone then..
i wouldnt know my jc friends.
i wouldnt know my poly friends.
i wouldnt be in ballet till now.
and i wouldnt have got together with mr chow.
wow! amazing.....
days at home!
I've been spending time at home yesterday, today and most probably tomorrow. I've learnt that home is the best place on earth. you'll never be hungry, and you'll never be bored! there're endless things to do at home. Just like how i amazingly made mr chow angry again. HAHA!
i cooked! i'm too fat for normal food. so i decided to just eat what monks and nuns eat. :)
i boil vegetables in water! and i drink pure anchovies soup. is that healthy? LOL! oh, and i ate oatmeal for breakfast. i remembered when i was young, i was crying while walking to the childcare centre cuz i dont want to eat oatmeal for breakfast.
Today, i decided to cook AGAIN! for my mama. she said okay cause she's kinda hungry. I didnt know what the hell to cook. So i thought of the easiest food! soup with vege, egg and noodles! the only soup base i know of is the anchovies thing. so yeah. dumped everything in. cooked with my HEART and SOUL. and my beautiful mother ate one mouth. told me its very nice! and the next thing she said,"ok, i had enough, ask endang to cook me some food." WTF.
i really love to cook. :(
i remembered how even itomi dont eat the food i prepare for her.
and how a loser i am. when i cant make a proper milo. *keep this to yourselves* LOL!
So the rest of yesterday was spent online shopping. and i spent a total of $150. On some items. See how sinful it is to stay at home. i spend more when i'm home. and.. today was more or less wasted trying to cook. did i mention that i was trying out this appetiser which i added too much vinegar. and when i ate a small piece of it. i felt like a gulped down 0.2 conc of hydrochloric acid.
i've got 2 pictures from the KTV at liang court that day. LOL! thanks to bad technology. i could only get 2. but will get the rest soon.
this is the long lost yao lihan! :)

this is the fat me, now.

staying at home these 2 days, i've looked through all the photos in my lappie. and found some memorable, sweet and funny ones!
pri ning <3

this is my first successful emo shot! :)
model: priya ning
photographer: andrea lim :)
my personal masseuse maine tan!

this describes me. TOTALLY.

The day we wore the same Tee! <3

aight, check this out. check this out. i didnt know the existence of this picture till today! what caused both santika and samantha to look at that direction. and its totally not planned! i was the one who took this picture. and it was a candid for big butt! hmmmm...... doesnt it look cool? or is it just me? LOL!

wow. i love this peekture! LOL! credits to andrealim! <3

as usual, big butt trying to do some ballet pose. as for fullstop. i have no idea what she's doing. LOL! supporting big butt's boobies? is it?

This is a classic peekture! =) i love this! my lovely eunuch and my oh soooo beloved fo neh!

thats vera. LOL.

oh! this is what vera and i cooked! :)

trying to be a ghost in my house. ah darn. its 12.07am!!! thats a taboo!

hawt stuffs!


here comes. this is the day, that i'll never forget in my entire loser life. that i forgot to zip my shorts. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! ya. laugh as loud as you want. and leon got to tell priya to tell me. hows that? laugh louder.. and yes. i stood with my legs open so wide. that queen latifa can roll through and spread her legs open and do somersauts.

i love this peeeek! lol. fie's seductive bitch face with a helpless "get off me" priya's face! lol!

thats what this idiot do during lab classes. waste chemicals to decorate the sink with her name.

our lab and lecture sessions' must do! BINGO!!! <3

the disgusting bitch face!

the 4 of us!! did we skip lecture to do this? i think we did. LOL!

hahaha! during HAP lab class. 2 rebellious kids. down at the track dancing.

our beloved verillyn chiang!

our usual "skip lectures to sugarloaf sessions" you're greatly missed verillyn chiang! and i miss sugarloaf somehow. not the food. but how we always go there and slack off like we go school just for food and play. LOL.

this peek has been in my lappie for more than a year. and i've never noticed what priya was doing. i'm still figuring out though. lol!

Jess teaching us some yoga lessons. LOL!

drama classes with SSS and jess


to housewife.....

some tidying and preparations....

to a china maid!

milo advertisement. with SSS trying to be different.. lol

smile widely foto. i look like a retarded. spastic child.

and oh yes. gracie and i spoilt the peekture. LOL!

thats all folks! am in love........ with food. HAHAHA! <3