a n d r e a .
I'm kinda feeling like a piece of shit,
who's just about to get flush down the toilet bowl.
term test is coming.
havent started a wee bit.
performance is next week.
just had to be one week before term test.
and not finalise my pub speaking speech.
and my bone at the big toe hurts.
i've spent 200 on ballet nonsense yesterday.
felt good to buy a new pointe shoe and etc.
its been 3 years.
3 years back, i was a lil crazy bitch.
i bought 3 pointe shoes at one go. insanity.
hope there'll be some chilling out after rehearsal later
and till i attain enlightenment
i'll still lead a sad and miserable life.
and i thought i was enlightened.
till you must come and disrupt my peace.
and, i bought my new phone! =D
am the happiest kid on earth! =D
with i dont know what
fun and egg-citing!
i love weekends!
weekends = party time!
Went zouk and arena.
Took the flyer.
Planned jessica's and priya's birthday.
(fie's present is still with me.) LOL.
Oh yes,
and we came to a conclusion that
stella and i, cannot work together
both too last min and cannot get things done
sure got something go wrong.
ahhh... shit.
but we still managed to carry out both surprises! =D
Remember my previous entry,
on how lania grab junior's dick and ask what's that
i told stella
and 5 mins later
she asked,
"eh, junior male or female ar?"
Pictures overloaded! =D
runway 1

runway gone wrong?

runway 2!


she asked" junior male or female?"

eygptian dance. lol

attempt to imitate kopi-tiam uncle.
attempt was a success! HAHAHA!

i have no idea what she was imitating.

Stella's sis' birthday celebration!

This was also the day
where both of us kept slipping
in raffles city. HAHAHA!
and well, definitely attracted plenty of stares!
my mum just bought a new massage chair! =D
and the horse thing. HAHA!
i almost fell off the damn thing when i first tried.
i have a whole set of slimming gadgets now!
till the day.......... =D
A Happy day for ME!
Its recession now, but the restaurant was PACKED.
So, i guess its not recession eh.
Left rehearsal slightly earlier, to eat.
i'm such a sick shit!
While eating,
overheard this family's conversation
daughter: daddy, how much was the dinner?
father: hmmmmm.... you wont have allowance for 10 months.
i told my mother about it, and....
mum: i just deduct 2 months of your allowance can already. *smiles sweetly*
me: *WTF?! and just dug into the sharksfin*
My stupid funny father, told a waitress off for nothing!
hahahaha! it was rather funny.
In restaurants, there'll always be a plate of appetizers.
We had "ah-cha" early this evening.
all the vege and pineapples were eaten.
left the red red colour "chap"
the waitress came and took it away from the table
my father immediately stopped her.
and said quite angrily, "we still want it!"
all of us looked at him puzzled.
papa: why you take away. never even ask. i still want it.
me: what you want it for?! its just "chap"
papa: can use to eat with the beancurd later what.
mummy and i: (oh, new way of eating?)
waitress 1: but its just the ah-cha "chap"
waitress 2: nevermind, he like to eat it
and, all the while, my father didnt even know its ah cha "chap".
he thought it was chilli! HAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!
and of course, i laughed OUT LOUD! heh!
Went to shop around a little before going home.
mum and i went into female boutiques
poor papa just follow and sit down give occasional opinions
finally, saw a male boutique
mum told him to go in
we all went in he saw this berms that he liked
he asked the sales person
"can you get me size 36?"
sales girl: oh. in this shop, we only have till size 34.
my father got sooo fed up.
HAHAHAHA! funny!
he walked out of the shop.
and was very anal about it.
told mum and i: only 2 sizes different what. not alot.
mum: thats alot! wont be able to button know! =D
went british india.
i bought 2 tops.
dumb dumb father cannot find anything to buy
he was very very desperate to get something
ended up buying this damn ugly 200 plus shirt.
i think my father is like a child. HAHAHAHA!
i really hope i didnt inherit those
impulsive, see-must-buy genes from him.
and, i'm torn from whether or not to buy that charles and keith bag
my dad and mum said its ugly.
ahh. which means i will have no sponsors for it
i have another about say 20 hours to decide!
hope i'll get enlightened in my dreams later!
Thats my cute little eunuch junior!

him in action biting his bonnie.

Something funny from eilanie lee chee shian.
This girl.... came over to my house late one night
after we cancelled plans on going to arena.
we sat on my bed
she "studying"
me chatting online and online shopping
junior jumped up onto the bed
she grabbed his dick
and asked,"whats this?!"
i was SHOCKED!
"HIS DICK?!!!"
eilania,"i thought he was castrated?!"
she was damn funny!!!
she learned something new!
and poor junior got molested
Ah pek pek encounter
Hooked arms with jess while walking in tm
This 40 plus, half bald man brushed past my shoulder
and whispered to me in mandarin
"wah.. so sweet..."
it was soft and eerie
but nevertheless audible
i walked another 5 steps
letting my puny brain process a little
i turned around
he was about 1.5 metres away
oooo... my hair stood at their ends.
i turned slowly trying hard not to gag
told jess what happened
and we spent the rest of time in tm,
mimicking the ah pek pek,
each try,
successfully caused our hairs to stand in attention.
what a gross old half-bald man.
i'll be changing my blog link to:
with effect from........ say, 10th nov 08 :)
I bought my low-technology MP3!!
Cheap cheap! drop also wont spoil!
wanted to buy the new ipod nano.
but considering the state of my old ipod.. hmmm
and my mum refused to get another MP4 for me
but i'm happy with the low tech one!
oh. and of course i didnt pay myself!
heh heh!! =D
my air ticket to US is confirmed!
happy cause i'm going to US.
but not happy cause i'm not spending christmas here.
it'll be a cold christmas again!
wonder how's my miu miu bag. basket....
kinda pissed off with my mum's friend.
she claimed that she cant find miu miu coffer.
wtf?! how is it possible.
not like my mum wont pay her back. arghhh.
gonna find out what the hell is SDS-PAGE now.
good bye world! =)
Rehearsal was not as bad as expected!
now, i know how to make things turn out well.
Just keep thinking how bad it'll be. =D
and it'll just turn out otherwise!
didnt buy my low technology mp3 today again..
not your fault stellabella.
i got to go hunt for a dress for the performance
so i went to town
in the most disgusting outfit ever.
tank top and a stupid looking track pants. HAHAHA!
i look like a goondu.
my ballet friends and i were so god damn hungry
ate at ramen 10.
THEY ordered a bunch
i only ordered ramen and another side order!
i learnt my lesson!
stood in the queue for a cab.
and this 3 china man
tried to cut our queue.
they just went in front of us to the mercedes cab
but the cab driver didnt want to take them
and he was complaining about them to us
what losers.
am REALLY gonna get my low technology mp3 tomorrow.
cant wait!!
my mum refused to pay for my new mp3.
she claims that i spoil things too easily
must use my own money then i'll feel the pinch
why people get so shocked to hear that i spoil an ipod?
is it very difficult to spoil one?
anyways, some pictures from the past.
Accompanied eilania to study on thurs,
before her first paper
i had kinda a very itchy mouth
so went to buy some junk.
took a basket and take take take
so little things!
but ended up paying 25 bucks for all these. lol!

the cute little pepper!

we're both very focused!
she's studying for history
i'm doing introduction for amic =D

Celebrated deepavali!
played games, camwhore
and had a little "fashion" show by jessica
this is the only picture i have
i accidentally deleted the rest. LOL!
thats stellabella!

These are really old pictures.
the KTV day.
which is also the day that eilania and i hate the most
not because anything that happened to us physically
but oh wells, difficult to explain.
Eilania went with us too.
but, that girl didnt pass me ANY of her pictures.
i asked her for it and said i want to post it up.
she said," just type there eilania's very anal and dont want to give you her pictures"
ya, she's very anal. always asking pepper to go away. HAHAHA!
the always missing girl; yao lihan!

i think this is a very artistic picture!
taken by me OF COURSE.

my secondary school + jc best buddy!!
when you see her, you'll see me.
and when you see me, you'll see her!


Eilania's mum's birthday celebration at velvet.
the three very pretty sisters!

lee chee shiannnnnnnn!

ma bestfwennn. with the disgusting face.
which i LIKE. HAHAHA!


this is the horrible day
which i suffer a serious case of SHIT SMEARED FACE.