a n d r e a .
The case of our viability
I think the TP science school wants to see us dead. We're probably a bunch of very important students, that might be able make important changes to the world in future. So the teachers are trying to kill us now. A form of assassination. The amount of work. seriously. can suffocate all of us. i spent my whole saturday, in the school library doing the dumb mbio report which apparently is killing everyone that is taking that subject. the people in my msn list that takes mbio, their pm "kill me please" or "died" or "projects are lame" or "omg, somebody please help me" or "fuck it man"
was in a conver with stella. trying to exchange info that we collected on PCR. and some info that we misread from blackboard. i cant count how many knns, cbs, nabeis and fucks she typed. lol! endless. and she's currently under depression when a sad and sudden truth dawned upon her on top of her stress-ness. life goes on stellabella! Cp is cursed la. seriously. especially Cp captains. dont be SAD! =)
back to the rants about school, i dont understand why they need to squeeze EVERYTHING into the 2 weeks. tests, quizzes, reports, presentations, interviews and meetings and more reports and more meetings and more tests and semestrals. The whole botox speech for public speaking is making my head split into 10. i might just end up going for botox to reduce the wrinkles i've formed for the past 2 weeks and counting.
and not forgetting my music test.
i can still remember, my IDIOTIC DUMB MORONIC decision on the train that night. to choose music as my CDS. "how difficult can music get?" was what i said. and i pulled 3 other friends down with me. HAHA! and yes, our collective decision to vote for music. asswipe.
i'm so not looking forward to next week all the way to sems. if only i have "click"s remote control. then fast forward to after exams. HAHA! YAY! then can go sentosa! =D
the only thing i can look forward now, is valentine's day. HAHAHA! yayyy! though valentine's day marks the beginning of the @#@$% study week.
the power of science! her hair sticks to the chair!! hahaha!

teacher.well-dressed toilet cleaner.reporter

bitcho making himself very comfortable on my retreat

New year's good. except for feeling like an ablone now. With an abalone overdose.
My dad increased my ang pao money by alittle. 4/5 of the money i collected, made up of what my dad gave. so in short, i really love my dad.
(p.s. only during CNY.)CNY eve, my dad had this crazy idea to go VIVO at 9PM.
He thinks that during CNY, ALL SHOPS EVERYWHERE open 24 HOURS.
Spent walking one round of vivo facing CLOSED shop doors, in the cold.
Then, we went to chinatown. Obviously it was BUZZED with people and activity.
We squeezed and pushed and PERSPIRED. My so clever dad told my mum,
"wah.. die la. i need to see a doctor."and his reason was..
"i'm perspiring. i think its abnormal!""SIAO." and my mum walked away. HAHAHA!
and it became a joke after that. my mum kept creating senarios for my dad to tell the doctor.
scenario 1
Doc: what's your illness?
Dad: i perspired while i was running 2.4km.
scenario 2
Doc: what's your illness?
Dad: i perspired in a crowded place. am i dying?
blah blah blah...Had a cousin gathering day on CNY day 1.
plus a meet the dogs session.
brought junior to my grandma's place
my cousin brought his baby.
baby is itomi's brother. =(
my mother got so emo after seeing baby. LOL!
we all really miss itomi the princess bitch.
anyway, junior's such a bully.
He's kinda big compared to baby. so he kept bouncing on that poor dog.
BUT, baby's shriek. is so sharp. that i got so irritated. i just felt like snipping his balls off.
played cluedo. gathered 5 of the cousins with fiona.
and the 6 of us got so fed-up playing cluedo. and ended up anyhow guessing who died etc.
and later, was mahjong over at my place. played till 4am.
and they all went home. We used to have our parents drive us around.
now, they all have their own cars. and my brother have his own car.
they are all grown ups now. and i've not gotten my driving license. I shouldnt get it. till i'm certain my dad's gonna buy me a car too! lol.
Just came back from a movie session with my parents.
and i just found out, how dumb i can get. they told me to book tickets online.
my dad wanted to watch at the goldclass theatre. but, goldclass got so limited timeslots and movies. they had the wedding game. well, i thought the wedding game and love matters were the same show. K. i didnt know the titles of the show ok. i only know who acts in it.
and i thought its the same show. >.< OKOK. so i didnt check. and i booked it. and then later at the ticketing booth. i saw the wedding game's poster. and next to it. the poster of love matters. ALRIGHT. well done! my mum wanted to watch love matters. @#$%^&*^%$# and so.. we wasted 90 minutes of our lives in the theatres stuffing our faces with popcorn and seeing how christopher lee and fann wong publicise their own wedding. mother eff waste of money and time.
went old airport road to eat. but i had important nature calls to answer to. it was really urgent. and my mother had to take 5 minutes, to find a freaking 10 cent coin. now i know the importance of a 10 cent coin. i followed the direction of the arrows to where the toilet is. When i reached there, there's only the male's toilet. i looked up. there's another arrow pointing "up" for the ladies.&^%$#$%^&*^%$# I had to climb 2 flights of stairs with 32 steps in total, to go to a freaking toilet with my urine at its brink. any movement and it'll flow out. i died. i died. like climbing the steps is not enough, when i reached the entrance, i saw the cleaner packing up. He said the toilet's closed. @#$%^&*(&^%$# i looked at him with the eyes of a poor small little girl with only 10 cents in possession and can pee in her pants ANYTIME. he finally allowed and said i can only urinate and not shit. yay... i saw the light! and ran in! =)
It seems like 2009 didnt start off really well.
My aunty just got diagnosed with uterus cancer.
She removed the whole uterus.
But the cancer cells already spread to her bladder. =(
It's so sad that bad things happen to good people.
Her husband died of colon cancer.
And her daughter, my cousin, had leukaemia.
How scary is this?
Guess this year's CNY wont be that happy after all.
Its so sad to end 2008 with christmas and new year not being very happening.
And now chinese new year. ohhhhhh damn.
While channel surfing yesterday.
Came across HBO, showing the murder of princess diana.
I watched a little and realise that,
they were suspecting that she wasnt killed in the car crash.
It was a plot of the royals.
I did a research and it's on wiki. interesting.
Why do good people have bad endings?
karma? for what?
i think i'll die soon too. HAHA!!
The past week had been mentally drained for me
Screwed MCT lab test real badly.
I cant believe the steps i ALWAYS fight to do and play with.
I forgot to do during the test.
I spray ethanol for the fun of it.
THat damn spray never leave my hands throughout the lab classes.
And that was what i forgot. =(
WHO the hell will not swab the laminar flow hood before the start of the experiment?
WHO doesnt spray gloved hands with ethanol before starting the experiment?
Only the shit head ME.
wahhh.. i screw up the easiest things in life.
I should just turn into a female jack russell.
And become senior.
Since there's already one junior.
Junior's really leading a damn good life.
It's good to be a dog sometimes. HAHAHAHA!
The words of a freaking loser.
Dont worry. i'll change my mind when i wake up tomorrow morning.
OK. i'm off to memorise my speech and study for MBIO.
GOOD nights my friends.
oh, btw. I'm cutting ties with chicken!
if you babes can, please do cut ties with chicken too!
It's really really really VERY bad for ladies.
i bought a horoscope book, which tells me what will happen each day.
am a little freaked out.
swear its not coincidence!! happened since 1st jan!! ahhhhhhh!!!
it says that i'm going to create an exercise plan today,18th jan 2009.
when i read it last night. i was thinking what a bullshiter.
HAHAHAHAHA! and it says i'll have some health problems.
i'll probably get heart attack or asthma attack while running.
be prepared dear friends. HAHA!!
i've never been this hungry in my life!!
i need to have a fridge in my room.
and cupnoodles. and hot water.
wahhh...... cupnoodles never seem that heavenly.
i should start thinking of my menu for breakfast
2 scramble eggs, cream of chicken, fried rice with sambal, hot dogs, SWEET CORN!
wahhhh.... i'm like the little match stick girl. is it called little match stick girl? or little match girl?
now stella's giving me suggestions on how to go to my kitchen without being scared.
on the lights, on music loud loud, ask junior pei me, and ask me to sing. >.<
wahh. i tell you. on the lights; what if the light suddenly off?
on music.. suddenly weird sounds?
junior suddenly howl?
what if my singing too nice? attact stuffs?! and i'm scaring myself now. @!$@#%#$^&
anyway, can laptop keys be taken out and then placed back?
i seriously need to remove letter F and number 8. LOL!
and i need sweet n spicy drumlets.
shall order it for LUNCHHH! =D
Good rest at home sweet home
Yesterday was a slack off day!
i basically slept through the entire saturday.
Was suppose to be a lovely slacking sunday.
till big butt messaged, calling for help.
and so, she came over to my place.
BUT my parents brought friends over.
we decided to seek refudge out of the house,
to a quiet place..
known to all as the changi airport.
We reached there, walked around.
i bought myself an ORGANISER!
(i'll be so organised from NOW ON!)
the organisers were all shelved at the bottom
i squatted there, trying to choose a decent looking one.
till my poor fat legs.....
got spasm. and i could have hatched 6 eggs.
very excited over the new "in" thing for me
wrote all over it, tried to think of ways to decorate it
which sent stella's eyes rolling like a second hand gone mad.
just because she cannot differentiate between dark blue and black.
she must roll her eyes at me. HAHAHAHAHAHA!
ate at lerk thai.
ordered more than we could finish (as usual)
satisfied our tom yam cravings.
we were soooooo bloated.
so we decided to take a walk.
to not get EVEN fatter.
when we were about to depart back to hometown.
she received a call to buy bread home.
oh.... thats when our adventure begin.
played hide and seek at T3 basement 2.
HAHA! well, dont ask why. its stella you're talking about here. LOL!
finally walked to crystal jade bread shop 10 mins later
took the tray and the tongs.
but, there are no hotdog buns!
so after quite a "short" discussion
we decided to go to T2's crystal jade bread shop.
that stella. think that both shops are the same
she can bring the tray and the tongs together. >.<
we walked there at HIGH SPEED. cuz it was already 9.30pm
half ran. and when we reached that level.
that girl got to say,"aye, what if close down already?"
AND. true enough. the shop closed down.
suay or suay?
jogged to polar.
when we're about to reach
there's this lady, walking in the direction of polar. at our 3 o'clock
stella, got damn defensive. LOL!
she scared her cakes kena snatched.
SHE RAN infront of the lady.
slipped in and STOOD right infront of her at the counter.
and the lady's facial expression was priceless.
she looked very puzzled. what's this crazy girl doing. HAHAHA!
right opposite polar. is the gates of heaven!
the TAXI STAND!!!!
we walked into the queue.
i couldnt remember if the extra charge from airport's $3 or $5
so stella went to ask this old man who was doing the ushering
old man "er... i also not sure. i think $5"
stella "wah.. so expensive ar"
old man "ya lo. now very expensive ar from airport. the price all increase!"
me "is it...."
old man "ya.. where you two stay?"
me "bedok and pasir ris"
old man "bedok?! you take mrt, very near! you go tanah merah, then change. then 'ZOOP' you reach bedok already!!"
me "oh... so fast ar. okok."
old man"you all got no lugguage. take mrt better. save money."
me "oh.. ok ok."
all the while. stella was bending her head low, laughing.
me "bye uncle. thank you!" and walked away
old man "ya la. take mrt!"
me "ok bye!" walked further
old man "save money ar. dont take taxi. right? you think i say correct or not?"
and the two of us waved bye and walked off laughing out loud.
and.. we got psycho-ed not to cab. HAHAHAHA!!
what a long rambling entry.
i'mma so tired.
and i cant believe he ignored me!!!! urgh!
Friday Blues
Its friday again. and yes, there's ballet.
i have a serious problem of carrying my ass to class
but once i'm there, i kind of enjoy it
how do you explain this?
Laziness? lol!
oh, and guess what.
i was comtemplating whether or not to quit ballet..
but. i just joined another dance today. -.-
am i an idiot or what?
so i'm learning ballet + flamenco now.
oh wells. 16 years of ballet.
shouldnt quit right? wasted. ok ok.
i made the right choice! i think. >.<
school's been a bore.
lucky for the babes and itas.
Itas is like our heavenly retreat.
tom yam seafood! ooooo!
i'm gonna have that for lunch on monday again! =D
well, a normal student will go to itas for lunch only.
but, we go to itas basically every other hour.
to eat of course.
how to not put on weight?!
thats why, my choice of not quitting ballet,
and joining another dance, spells PERFECT!
i have like tons of shit to do.
amic report. --> i have no idea what went on since the beginning of semester
public speaking --> havent even settled on a topic. -.-
and do some catching up!
been skipping lectures.. =(
oh, and i miraculously passed my music test. HAHAHAHA!
lady luck's with me! i love her! vice versa! =D
my incredibly creative phone!
and of course, the fabulous skills in photography! >.<

Grace's birthday surprise! =D
happy birthday love! -040809-

Han's birthday at arena!
till 19th feb!!

Flash back - year 2008
Christmas eve over at my place =)
quite obvious. with my aunty hair and clothes HAHA!