New year's good. except for feeling like an ablone now. With an abalone overdose.
My dad increased my ang pao money by alittle. 4/5 of the money i collected, made up of what my dad gave. so in short, i really love my dad.
(p.s. only during CNY.)CNY eve, my dad had this crazy idea to go VIVO at 9PM.
He thinks that during CNY, ALL SHOPS EVERYWHERE open 24 HOURS.
Spent walking one round of vivo facing CLOSED shop doors, in the cold.
Then, we went to chinatown. Obviously it was BUZZED with people and activity.
We squeezed and pushed and PERSPIRED. My so clever dad told my mum,
"wah.. die la. i need to see a doctor."and his reason was..
"i'm perspiring. i think its abnormal!""SIAO." and my mum walked away. HAHAHA!
and it became a joke after that. my mum kept creating senarios for my dad to tell the doctor.
scenario 1
Doc: what's your illness?
Dad: i perspired while i was running 2.4km.
scenario 2
Doc: what's your illness?
Dad: i perspired in a crowded place. am i dying?
blah blah blah...Had a cousin gathering day on CNY day 1.
plus a meet the dogs session.
brought junior to my grandma's place
my cousin brought his baby.
baby is itomi's brother. =(
my mother got so emo after seeing baby. LOL!
we all really miss itomi the princess bitch.
anyway, junior's such a bully.
He's kinda big compared to baby. so he kept bouncing on that poor dog.
BUT, baby's shriek. is so sharp. that i got so irritated. i just felt like snipping his balls off.
played cluedo. gathered 5 of the cousins with fiona.
and the 6 of us got so fed-up playing cluedo. and ended up anyhow guessing who died etc.
and later, was mahjong over at my place. played till 4am.
and they all went home. We used to have our parents drive us around.
now, they all have their own cars. and my brother have his own car.
they are all grown ups now. and i've not gotten my driving license. I shouldnt get it. till i'm certain my dad's gonna buy me a car too! lol.
Just came back from a movie session with my parents.
and i just found out, how dumb i can get. they told me to book tickets online.
my dad wanted to watch at the goldclass theatre. but, goldclass got so limited timeslots and movies. they had the wedding game. well, i thought the wedding game and love matters were the same show. K. i didnt know the titles of the show ok. i only know who acts in it.
and i thought its the same show. >.< OKOK. so i didnt check. and i booked it. and then later at the ticketing booth. i saw the wedding game's poster. and next to it. the poster of love matters. ALRIGHT. well done! my mum wanted to watch love matters. @#$%^&*^%$# and so.. we wasted 90 minutes of our lives in the theatres stuffing our faces with popcorn and seeing how christopher lee and fann wong publicise their own wedding. mother eff waste of money and time.
went old airport road to eat. but i had important nature calls to answer to. it was really urgent. and my mother had to take 5 minutes, to find a freaking 10 cent coin. now i know the importance of a 10 cent coin. i followed the direction of the arrows to where the toilet is. When i reached there, there's only the male's toilet. i looked up. there's another arrow pointing "up" for the ladies.&^%$#$%^&*^%$# I had to climb 2 flights of stairs with 32 steps in total, to go to a freaking toilet with my urine at its brink. any movement and it'll flow out. i died. i died. like climbing the steps is not enough, when i reached the entrance, i saw the cleaner packing up. He said the toilet's closed. @#$%^&*(&^%$# i looked at him with the eyes of a poor small little girl with only 10 cents in possession and can pee in her pants ANYTIME. he finally allowed and said i can only urinate and not shit. yay... i saw the light! and ran in! =)