a n d r e a .
Post exam day 1
Caught my bloody valentine and marley & me yesterday!! it was a whole load of emotions expressed by stella, jess, zeeda and me! its a pity priya and mata cant join. =(
we were screaming and busy covering our eyes in MBV. but crying our eyes out in m&m. i've came to a conclusion yesterday, i think i should just belong to the dog world. i seldom or shall i say never cry in sad human shows. but i always cry in sad dog shows.
melvin and stephen were laughing in MBV. -.-
and stella's here. continue soon!
alright! stella santika siswanda came over today. messaged at 11am to ask for lepak at my place. and i was still in my dreamland..... oh speaking of that, i'm having weird dreams! HAHAH! i swear the person i dreamt of is kenneth. but the face is not his! isnt it weird??! he went for plastic surgery? and the face i saw in my dream, i've never seen it in my entire life. oh wells. that aside.
we had some fun today. please go to stella's blog. she has all details up. that crazy girl. everytime go out with her. is LAUGH. TILL. DIE. PLEASE. and i bought new cloth again! need to do something to my bank. its empty. :( need to bank some money in. cant believe i'm too lazy to even bank in money to my account. but its good la. i'll only spend the amount i bring out. but then again, i'll bring out 100. which makes it worse. >.<>
wells, plans to st james tomorrow is cancelled! will be having other plans that are not energy consuming. and. of course, i should mention that i went for ballet again today! i went for 3 weeks straight! if i go again next friday, i'll break a record! of going for 4 weeks straight! have never done that. but, i shall! since i'mma changed girl!
A lazy afternoon, having suffered from headaches and tummy aches. Casually blog hopped. and did it dawn upon me, that people had already moved on. and hell was i the only one left stranded in the past. i got to get my ass out of there quick. like right this moment. decisions have to be made. talked to eilania that night. guess she's really right. and, i'm really happy for her though. and for pning, vera, gracie, von and of course maine tan! :) did i miss out anybody? is han attached? and nic? i got to do many catching up man! my holidays are coming up ladies!! i'm missing all my best girls.
to the remaining babes and remaining pc, we shall be each other's dates! :)
this is an ultimate random post.
I just dug myself a grave at 9.30am this morning. Its amazing at how fast i did the paper! By 10am, i was already at section B. Left 4 pages blank in front though, for section A. >.<
and i studied relatively hard for this paper. compared to previous semesters. many of us were cursing and swearing. at least i did. there were some keywords, that i've never even seen before. my first time seeing it, was in the mbio sem paper. half the questions were foreign to me. ahhh. god's not very good to me. where's lady luck yo? she's always with me.... :( but not today.
jess and i studied hard the day before! took a slight break to take some shots to DE-STRESS. just before starting on the horrendous genetics and cancer. and i still cant take the fact that ras and abl wasnt tested.
this is good!!! keeps us awake plus relieves headache!

intended an ugly shot. but turned out otherwise.
good photographer! i wonder who...

blinded totally. when i accidentally opened my eyes.

and again, i emphasize how good AXE OIL is!
its 11.49am
and i'm about to throw into a fits.
i was online shopping, and....
selling at this online shop at more than HALF THE PRICE OF TOPSHOP'S.
I'M SOOOOOOOOOOO PISSED OFF!! online shops are sooooo irritating!
going around searching for inspired and selling at sooooooooooo low prices!
now the whole world has my top. and, they got it so much cheaper.
and they even open back orders for that damn top. OH MY HOLY SHIT.
i died. i died. :(
ok. we made a pact to be happy. so i shall!
gotta go prepare and meet the babes!
Finally finished amic report.
Was trying to italicize the bacteria names, in the midst cursing and swearing at myself for typing so many s.aureus, bacillus cerus and salmonella. I think i might just miss one or two. which is standing upright not bent to the right. i donttt careee alreadyyy! my eyes are dropping out of their sockets man! and my fingers are rotting from JAMMING at the letter "i" and shift keys. i never knew i used the letter "i" so often and wow, the number of times my finger went to the shift key, with my eyes and brains expecting the letter that i punch in to be caps. but, NO. its not caps. i pressed the shift key repeatedly again and again and again and again, the letter is still not in caps. YES... there happens to be TWO shift keys on the keyboard. but, when you're so used to the one right under
, the other one seems so out of the way. i cant believe i'm whining about this. but seriously, try it. having a faulty letter "i" and shift key while you're rushing your report. you might just leave your fingers on the keypad and slam down the damn laptop screen, "kiap-ing" your fingers inbetween.
lets move on to something more interesting in school today.
do believe in that. cuz KARMA EXISTS! librarians are woooo wooo wooo bitches from the wild wild west yo. stella, jess and i were in the toilet. trying to give our faces a new look. arranging our fringes. from having curtains opening from the side, we changed to curtains opening from the centre; centre parting. we were well, admiring our new look and we heard the door opened behind us. WOOO WEEE, were our movements FAST AND SWIFT! all three of us SWUNG our heads to the right with a smooth circular motion! with our hands frantically trying to arrange the fringes back. and we burst out just one laugh. like a "HA!" more like we only managed to let out one "HA!" cuz in came the mightly O LIBRARIAN! and she bellowed," you girls are TOO LOUD!" and damn it did i miss a real good show. i was the first to scramble out of the toilet breaking into fits of laughter. wrong move. BECAUSE......
damn it. stella and jess had a good show yo. but its ok. i didnt laugh AS MUCH. KARMA wont come back to me. AYE! STELLA! you always go to the squat cubicle!!!!!! dont laugh. dont.. better say something nice at the end of your entry. =D
and we sat for the abchem term test today. what a gan chiong 1 hour and 20 mins. we did have a good laugh after that. at our practical quiz results. we purposely sat at the second row, to escape sitting alternate seats. so that we could say exchange answers.. well, 5 brains are better than 1 right. end up, our results. was the WORSE of ALL TESTS AND QUIZZES we sat for in poly. maybe even our entire lives. i think its our entire lives, right babes? shocked + stunned to the max. but oh wells, we go through THICK and THIN together. why do we always do the WORSE in open book test?
i think its mr kok. i cant seem to do well in any of the subjects he teach. first pct, now abchem. but... mr kok's such a nice guy. though he gave me SUPER low marks for practical quiz. but.. seeing him eating alone in itas. WAHHHHH.. is like.. calling for us to ask him to join us for lunch and dinner and our many teabreaks!
alright. i shall proceed to dream land. good night world!
My first V day spent with friends! next year, V day will be on first day of chinese new year! (according to jess' friend) so, familes and relatives will be who we're gonna spend Vday with. dont have to choose venue, things to do, and time to meet. its ang bao day! HAHA!
V day was good! with a couple of hiccups here and there though. and not a single picture taken! :(
hope santika and jess enjoyed! felt so bad for mars and stella. getting into trouble with parents and sister. hope they are alright!
junior's alive and kicking now! bought back his usual food. bought him a couple of new toys too to cheer him up! he's been very sad the past few weeks. oh. and i bought plenty of "cuttlefish" treats for him!! since i like cuttlefish, my dog should like it too. HAHA!
and, i have to complain that. ever since my brother brought my parents to eat frog porridge 2 weeks ago. EVERYTIME he books out. on both saturdays and sundays. our breakfast MUST be that! oh my holy cow..... seriously. i'll be jumping around soon, like a frog yo. special priviledges when you're off to the army. very special. thats why i told my brother, to bring my parents to eat some abalone, sharks fin or some rare nice food. we'll eat that for every of the subsequent weekends again! HAHAHA!
Have to do some re-research for abchem and start on amic report. =(
to the crew yesterday, till after exams yo! but we'll just enter arena after 2 la. HAHA!
-After a storm, there'll always be a rainbow :)
Its 5.25AM.
and i cannot sleep. not because i'm not tired or i'm having insomnia or rushing reports.
i have no idea how i will dare to sleep now. this is damn fucked up. second time. second time because of stupid lizards. they are depriving me of my beauty sleep. i swear i'll invent some toxin that will kill every fucking lizard on earth and even mars or pluto if there're lizards there. I have no idea why this idiotic reptile is created. and there's one now. right above the head of my bed. i tell you.... if its cockroach........ mother.. i wont go home forever...
i'mma going to call the pest control to my house later. i'm going to go crazy soon. doing the dumb mbio report. got to redo a part of it cuz we did it wrongly and faiz went to sleep without telling me.. and i dumbly waited and waited till now actually, or else i wouldnt see those 4 legged fuckers with detachable tails.
there's abchem interview later. and pub speak tomorrow. and i'm falling sick.
life's so bitchy to me!!! =(
to the dumb lizards: why me!!!!!!!! =(