I just dug myself a grave at 9.30am this morning. Its amazing at how fast i did the paper! By 10am, i was already at section B. Left 4 pages blank in front though, for section A. >.<
and i studied relatively hard for this paper. compared to previous semesters. many of us were cursing and swearing. at least i did. there were some keywords, that i've never even seen before. my first time seeing it, was in the mbio sem paper. half the questions were foreign to me. ahhh. god's not very good to me. where's lady luck yo? she's always with me.... :( but not today.
jess and i studied hard the day before! took a slight break to take some shots to DE-STRESS. just before starting on the horrendous genetics and cancer. and i still cant take the fact that ras and abl wasnt tested.
this is good!!! keeps us awake plus relieves headache!

intended an ugly shot. but turned out otherwise.
good photographer! i wonder who...

blinded totally. when i accidentally opened my eyes.

and again, i emphasize how good AXE OIL is!