Celebrated mata's birthday today over at tm. slept at 5am. no, i slept at 6.15am. was on my bed since 5am. serious case of insomnia? i think so. woke up at 9.45am. ooooooooo. mother.... my eyes, were barely a 1.5pt line. i'm basically a huge stone sitting with my babes at the table in recent outings. and gobbling food like a prisoner gone hungry for 7 days. over order as usual. and this brings me to stella and my new resolution. we're only going to spend 70 dollars a week.
we will NOT buy extra food.
we will NOT go to restuarants.
we will NOT take anymore cabs.
we will NOT buy unneccessary things.
we will NOT not know where our money went.
we will keep an eye on each other.
and, anybody is welcome to join this clan. i've been spending like a tap gone loose. and getting into some money trouble with my beloved mum. cant seem to persuade her to supp a card for me. so, measures should be taken and actions should be done. and yeah. i've set myself some ground rules. which, i bet all of my friends plus myself highly doubt i will follow it. its some impossible rules to stand by.
a funny day trying to hail a cab with stella. we were practically running up and down the stretch of road along side the busstop. how we got scared by this aunty sitting in the cab that has the green light flicked on. and how stella ran after this yellow cab which in the end did not stop for us. and how we mistook bus 9 for bus 5 and running frantically to the busstop. and later run back to where we originally were standing to catch 2 cabs which zoomed past us. and lastly, got into a cab. and was so god damn tired. ok, maybe for me. i was in my own plontok land. dont ask me whats plontok. i just made that up 4 seconds ago.
not forgetting our fun and exciting experience in the arcade! and jessica pang, stop feeling bad ok. its just a small bruise. at some inconspicuous place. and it doesnt hurt; i think. HAHAHA!
i'm like a ghostly stone. OH MY HOLY SHT.
compare my face, neck and hands colour with my legs.
please tell me its something to do with the lightings.
i'm an alien hybrid.