a n d r e a .
i'm jinxed!!!!
ok. this is a total ranting post.
i dont know why the hell i woke up so early. but yes, i woke up at 8.45am. i cannot get back to my dreams and so.. i washed up and watched dvd. started eating my first heavy meal at 10am. and i ate many many many tempuras, one box of tidbits after that. ate my second heavy meal at 1pm. ate bobo cha cha, many many jellies. went to the airport to meet eilania. and ate mcwings meal and corn cup. just when i slimmed down abit. just ABIT. i have to eat so much. just yesterday, i stayed home till 4pm. i ate 3 heavy meals. not counting those snacks inbetween. i'm crazy. i think i'm crazy. the inner self wants to hit 400kg.
the gig was.... under what we expected. hahaha! we all burst our left eardrums. but the taxi uncle was sooo funny!!!!!! we laughed till we died! its kinda difficult to narrate the story now. cuz i kinda forgot 3/4 of the funny part. all i remembered was the uncle kept worrying for us whether or not we know how to get to the studio. when we reached the place. all of us didnt know if its the place. and he asked us where is it. then someone said 10th storey. and stella can reply in a very innocent and stoned way " ya, uncle. we taking lift up to 10th storey." and the uncle said "ya. i cannot send you all up to 10th storey. how to drive into the lift" OK. something along those lines OK. i'm like in a pms mood. =(
and just now at the airport. two fucking china men eavesdropping our conversation. and discussing about us.. when they left. can still "diao" eilania and turn back and look... and shake the head.. AYE AYE AYE.... bastard.... jealous people pretty... their wives or girlfriends might look worse than lania's ass. ( if they have any ) -----> please, i've quit bitching! but these kind of people.. just need somebody to fart into their mouths. and i know the exact candidate for the farting job. HAHAHA! BB!! =D
and.. there's this girl.. she's not very attractive. those typical business school look. she dressed up with long straight shiny black hair. but she smells like a.... wooo hoooo.... mother........
she smelt like a bangla.. ohh... eeewl.... awww.... gross.....
my eyes are killing me. its literally 2 straight lines now... the lap top brightness is killing them. but its the lowest already. ah darn it.
swimming tomorrrrowwww!! heh heh heh heh heh! excited!!! its been more than 2 months since i've been in the poool! if my menses comes tonight or tomorrow morning before the swim. i'll dig my uterus out. HAHAHAHA! i'm getting more and more disgusting by the day. shit. the impact. its the impact..
All was fine... till friday.
biochem and pct killed me.
ohhhh my holy shit. i can like just dig my eyeballs out. seriously. biochem's my best sub. pct's my worse sub. but, biochem's gonna score sooo badly that i just wanna go lick junior's shit and bebe's urine.
too high hopes for biochem, and when you really fucking want to do well.. you fucking force your small tiny brain. and you blank out. FUCK the stupid brain. i dont want the brain anymore. and i just sat there, stared at the door to the sports hall. and cried like a fucking loser.
Pct's a worse goner. holy mother. i cant even get 30 marks. heh. damn it. and pct's the easier sub.. everybody does well in it. i dont want my brain anymore..... =(
hope the gig and post party will be good later. maybe i should just commit suicide at the rooftop party later.
i dont think i can ever forgive myself for screwing up biochem paper. and while stoning and crying during the paper. HAHAHA! i was so tempted to stick the pen i was holding into my right eye. and during pct, i already raised the pen up. HAHAHA!! i'm sooo SICK. ewwwl! eilania will be grossed out right now. heh...........
andrea lim is so stupid. that she should just DIE. NOW.
all about our laughter
God's been quite kind. with friends around. been laughing and laughing and laughing and more laughing every single day. cuz, they are really funny. lol! got abandoned by lee chee shian today. but she's suppose to make up to me tomorrow. heh... i got FREE LUNCH PLUS FREE DRINKS PLUS FREE DINNER PLUS FREE DESSERTS PLUS MY FREQUENT DESIRE TO EAT! =D everything FREE TOMORROW!!! oh YEAH!
stella's been a good company. with zeeda! and marsella, my new found daughter. lol!
going out with stella = laughing NON-STOP. cuz she is so funny. her face. and she keeps making mistakes for me to laugh LOUDLY at. and the amount of food we eat. is ultimate. we make a good pair cuz..... stella is good at buying things, together with me. Buy PLENTY of food, in the name of "sharing". end up, andrea lim the hippo + pig + alien hybrid got to finish everything up. and that girl, half way through her own set, she can tell me she's full. and start burping into my ear and my face. leaving the set that we're suppose to share tooo ME. poor ME. lol!! meat balls. i tell you. i wont eat them for the next 30 days.
introducing, my daughter - marsella!

2 indo girls and 1 cross breed. HAHA!

study mad-ness!!!!
she thinks that its her house..

she also thinks that its her house!
of course, i dont sit like them. i'm so demure. please..... =D

i took this pic! i think its NICE! =D but she thinks not...
(aye, is it me, or am i typing to many "thinks"? its kinda pissing me off.)

hardworking? ACT only........ LOL!

never left her seat at ALL!

a.. la. la. la. la. la. la. la.

competition to see whose lips can flip up and touch the nose. LOL!
obviously i win!!!! stop trying BB!

BB looks like a dog + rat cross breed! HAHAHAHAHAA!

haha! she was doing some weird face. when she saw my face.
she laughed and pressed snap. LOL! and it turned out like this.

hippooo!!!!!! eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! DISGUSTING!

the girl below finds herself intellectual by wearing 2 specs.
its a good try. keep it up BB! =D
and those bracelets of hers. purposely.. purposely.
she knowwwwww i loveee them. lol!

pri and i! had our hair cut! haha!
my fringe is officially RETARDED.
Crowne plaza's BEAUTIFUL toilet.
pardon my DISGUSTING hair. i cant help it.
we tried out best to make it the LEAST gross.
what are you thinking, boy?
lania, lips, toes

PCT lab test was a disaster! wooohoo. haha! i had no idea what i wrote. damn it. i dont know why i cant seem to pass PCT. its a curse. and it needs to be lifted. my quiz 2.... just 1 mark. 1 mark to pass. T-M-D. @#$%^&$#%^&*^%$#
this is a picture of lala's toes covered in bee hoon, chilli and cabbage. HAHA! when the plate toppled over, zeeda, lala and i LAUGHED SOOO LOUD. we just laughed and laughed and laughed. nobody helped her though. nobody offered to give her tissue or what. we just bent over and broke into fits of laughter. for say....... about 3 to 5 minutes? and this was the joke of that day. hmmmm... GROSS. hahahaha!!

my famous triple lips! see if you can do it!!!!! nobody i know can though!! haha!

priya's famous THICK LIPS! hahahahaha!!!!

ooooooooooooooooooooooo ya ye yeah...
catching up session, attica
lee neh, hope you're getting better day by day. cliche as it may sound but really, time heals all wounds. it wont make you totally forget those things, but at least makes it less painful and less vivid. i know it. cause i've been through it. stay strong! :)
so, to celebrate lee neh's birthday and also to make her happy. we went for fabulous party night. met at parkway first, with crystal and boon! its been so long since we met crystal. LOL! none of us know how long her hair is. so we had to guess.. and try and play "who spots crystal first" game. poor her. she reached at 6pm (the time that we are suppose to meet) but lania, vera and i only reached at 7pm. HAHA! its a curse that we CANNOT seem to reach on time. but its not as bad as meeting the babes. holy mother.... meeting stella and zeeda. we can plan to meet at 10.30am. end up, meet at 1.30pm lol!!
ate at dome's. and vera found her eyecandy, cashier in borders. HAHA! and the whole time, she was staring at him.. stoning into his eyes... HAHAHAHAHA! and we actually staged a whole plan on how vera's gonna go get his number. funny!! and vera was soooo excited and nervous. with crystal beside her and her constant eye-rolling motion. and lania's constant taunting and frequent "i know you want it, vera" and jiawen's occassional "he cute meh?"
ogle at jiawen's fashion runways. some catching up with crystal and jiawen. and then.. we went to nicole's house. we had a HARD time getting to her house. we lost like 5kg walking. lol! we got lost in the midst of the private estate in the NIGHT. haha! lucky we spent 4 years there. at least we somehow know where we are as long as we walk out to the main road. but we had a good time looking at those wonderfully furnished houses. some really looked like dream houses. oh my goshhh.. some people are just loaded. and some are just... un-loaded. HAHA! and we came up with the pact that if we end up not getting married, we should all chip in and buy a huge beautiful dream house and name it "house of the spinsters!" only TK girls allowed! so if you are one, can sign up with us. HAHAHA!
left our bags there, entertained ourselves alittle with boon's laptop. laughing at the peephole thing. and left the house for clarke quay. met yinglin right outside the house. cabbed down to clarke quay. catching up session with yinglin on our way there. and.... we passed by geylang!!! OH MY GOSH!! HAHAHAHA! we were all like TOURISTS! and the taxi uncle was the tour guide! he was telling us about geylang... pointing out who are the prostitutes. and which lor is for what.. and saying futher up of sims avenue more happening. lol! i've never been to geylang at night! its sooo cool. but i'd be happy just sitting in the cab (safe place) and watch the people around. lol.
reached clarke quay, walked to liang court. where nicole su was. and everyone got sooo pissed off trying to find the right lift to get to party world. HAHAHA! and vera's like the leader. she just walked infront of us. her usual ah beng style and occassional "na beis" and saying how she's gonna "lup" nicole su when she sees her. LOL!!
went in, saw nicole with her boss and another BAD guy. sat there, drank honey lemon. and listened to nicole shouting into the mic. and lania singing. really missed her voice. and later.... when the four of us were left alone, we started to choose all the cliche songs. HAHAHAHA!! we chose F4's liu xin yu! ahahahahha!! and we SCREAMED AND SHOUTED SOOOO LOUDLY INTO THE DAMN MICROPHONES. lol!! had sooo much fun. and nicole's voice gone after that. drank white wine. and left the place for attica at 1am.
attica's bouncer... wah... i like... hahaha! cool stuff!!! he's like twice my size. wooo! house music! =) but the crowd there's like... old.. and dead. haha! only us were really having fun. and we climbed onto the platform to dance. and got chased down. lol. all was a blur though... we got kinda high. and i couldnt really remember what we did. all i know was we kept dancing and kept moving and laughing and occassional screaming. nicole fell down twice and vera fell once. lol! and my feet got trampled on ten thousand times and my boobs got touched gazzillion times (by the nic, vera and lania ONLY though) lol!! and we all got punched by nicole's frantically waving arms... by 3.40am, we were all about to like die. lania was so high. nicole's already DRUNK. and vera's like wasted. HAHAHAHAHA! luckily i didnt drink the neat vodka that the guys just poured into the other 3's mouth.
nicole was really funny when she went around telling EVERYONE that she's okay and showing the "ok sign" lol! and how she and vera basically rolled down the steps. lania thought she could walk straight.. and ended up walking sideways. HAHA! it was really good.
i know i broke my dumb freaking principle. but i really enjoy that environment. haha! i'm not going to be a hardcore one ok. i wont go every week. and not even once a month type i think. haha! occassional one, the relieve stress. HAHA! and the last person that i want to know about me going to attica is, kenneth chow. i'm so glad he doesnt know about this blog. heh heh! and.. he just said hi and went offline. what the hell.... at least say bye la! and nothing to talk about then dont even say hi to me can! or.. scarly, he click on the wrong person to say hi to. HAHAHAHA! hmmmm.. okays, i need to go and help my sooo last min brother finish his report. basket. good byes people.
half an hour more to lee neh's sweet 19. =)

had a surprise birthday party for santika! all was going well.. till jeremy, nicholas and fidelia had to appear at the pool side (which was SSS's waiting area) heh! but it was fun though! she got fooled!!!
missed fidelia lee huan fen. had a quick catch up session with her. :) and all my pictures with her, she hasnt given me yet. biatch.
the party started with a loud "SURPRISE!!!"
and ended with santika, jessica and marsella being pushed into the baby pool. LOL!
santika got pushed in, and when she got up, she got cake smashed right into her face.
jess got pushed in by santika. lol! and had a "hang time" for about 5 seconds at the very edge of the pool before she fell in. funny funny! all of us just stood back and watched.
cabbed back, reached home, and tried to act like i reached home quite long ago. cuz...... of the part tomorrow yo! =)
and also, the balloons last seen in her hands. lol!
money no enough 2!
Professor Andrea Lim

Money no enough 2! =D
Caught that movie today with lala and zeeda. even before the movie started, we kept laughing ang giggling. we were the most annoying things in the theatre! lol! did our usual stuffs to disturb and irritate each other, and laugh at it.
the movie's good. funny. not VERY funny though. i was waiting for the "filling in the application form" part to come on. but! there wasnt even a glimpse of it. darn. and it was kinda draggy.. at the sad parts. and i was the only one laughing during the sad parts. cuz..... lala and zeeda was crying. LOL!!! it's soooo funny!!!! i was watching.. and big butt started to fidget beside me.. and mumbled something about tissue and frantically digging into her bag. when i turned and look over, she was dabbing her eyes sobbing.. zeeda, was already raining. HAHAHA! then they said i'm heartless. the only show i remembered crying was "eight below" wah.... i cried like quite badly. HAHA! and i watched with kenneth. i remembered he still asked if i was crying. and i said "NO!!!" HAHA!
dont be sad lala.. we'll make it up to you! we all PROMISE! =(

some photos of contaminated shit. there are more photos actually. but i dont know where they went. i think this is fungus. heh.. i think it looks nice and cool though.
i'm missing you..
happy birthday nelll!!!
i was looking through my whole photo collection and i couldnt find a proper photo of nel. damn it.
i cant make it for lunch this sat for nel's celebration. and i cant for lala's one too.. and she requested for a celebration... and i cant make it.. =(
lania's birthday is coming. and this thing happened to her. hmmm. wonder whats next.
and... i cannot stand kenneth chow hoe kune!!! oh my godddd!! 2 days in a row he can fucking attitude me. and act like nothing happened the next day.. and can say i require alot of attention. you are a clubber what! disgusting clubber! disgusting!!! oh my gosh. he is so disgusting NOW. i can just like twist his balls around and juggle them. whichever girl who is with him now, GOOD LUCK. you dont know what you landed yourself into! =(
7th month, bad day
I just got my ass burnt for AIMM quiz. damn it. damn it. i hate PCT and AIMM. both the subject and the teachers teaching the subject. now i strongly believe that you'll do well in the subject, when you like the teacher. heh.... zhang peng chiii....... =)))))
ballet was ultimate killer today. after 16 years of dancing, have i encountered my legs trembling right after the first exercise. -.- hahaha! but i'm not the only one! so i'm NOT WEAK! considering the size of my legs, i should have enough fats + muscles. was a little surprised by the tremble. which implies that i'm weak right? loserrrr....
it's 1st day of the month!!! =D its the time of the month to chant my account number to my mummy again!!! woooooohoooooo! oh yes, and not forgetting the special event this whole month lies ahead of us. damn. i really hate august. i have to bathe with the door open everyday. and i have to try and bluff myself to close my eyes and sleep. and try to wash my face with my eyes open.... and close at the very last min.... then try and open them as quickly as i can again. and it doesnt make it better to have 2 dogs at home. when they bark or stare into space unusually, it makes my hair stand. and the smell of the joss sticks and the paper thing thing burning.. ahhh... 7th month.
Pussy fought with someone in school yesterday.. OOo.. so man!! but, he's not as good-looking anymore..
missing youuu!