a n d r e a .
swimming!!! and dumb nerds
Swimming is addictive. =D
i'm swimming almost everyday now.. but i've not lost an inch or a kg. LOL! but its ok. i believe in PERSERVERANCE! and i'm joining back the dance in school. HAHAHA! what a loser. i have to undergo the auditions again. What a waste of my precious time. i dont have school tomorrow... and yet i have to go down specially for the auditions. For my slim and thin and beautiful future: YES, i should waste the transport money and my precious time and my well conserved energy for the audition.
i've swam on saturday, sunday and today(tuesday). tomorrow i'm swimming again. cool...... i'm beginning to learn to love the waters. considering the fact that i'm born with aqua-phobia? if that's like the scientific name for water-phobia. HAHAHA! pardon my pea brain.. heh.. when i was young, i'll always cry when i need to wash my hair. cuz, i dont like water to flow down my face. really. may seem dumb but i bet there are people around like that too! haha! i've probably drowned to death in my previous life.
And the school's dumb system is pissing the shit out of me. Honestly, science school is out of lecturers.. so if i end up jobless, i should just come TP to be a lecturer. First, they employ lecturers from vietnam, phillippines and now, CHINA. who speaks such excellently fluent english that we, students are lost 3/4 the time. And also, there's this whole subject that do not have any lectures or tutorials. everything is to be done online with the wiki thing. and worse of all, its examinable. like what the toooooooot... talking about lack of lecturers.. and i swore i will get a GPA 4 this sem.. thinking harder and more deeply with my little pea brain, its quite impossible. =(
And i'm quite disturbed by this discovery i've made: when one has more cellulites on her thighs, she'll be able to slide down slides easily. ----> someone please tell me this is bullshit. HAHAHAHAHA!
oh, and how can i forget to tell you people how i was bullied in school today by a NERD. hahahahaha! i'm such a dumb loser. i dont know who can be more dumb than i am. during lunch, ITAS was FULLY PACKED. so we were all searching for a place to plant our asses. i found a table, where this group of girls were about to leave. they carried their bags and took their soiled plates with them. just when i was about to step one step forward and my hand was already stretched out to pull the chair out.......... from afar......... this guy, or should i say ball-less guy, RAN towards the table and slammed his laptop bag on the table! he turned back and gestured to his friends to come over and sit. wah..... i STUNNED. hahahaha! i stoned there for a good one min. i fucking swear he's from china. let me describe his look: NERD face, ROUND ROUND specs, blue checkered shirt, very huge big cut jeans, blue sports shoes. and hunches when he walks. DISGUSTING. i've not used my finger to point at someone right at their face before. this afternoon was my first time. i was soooo god damn pissed off. i could really tear his dick apart and break his face. i think the people sitting around at ITAS at that time all knew what happened. and all knew i was fucking offended. he make me see him again in school... i will glare at him till his balls (if even possess any) roll out.
oh yeah. and my nickname a bunch of guys gave me: ball-biter. and yeah, in this group of guys that gave me that nickname, 2 are in my current class now. not very friendly people i should say. but its alright. i'm even more unfriendly. HAHA!
its good to look fierce. i learn to appreciate the fierce and unapproachable look my parents gave me. thank you papa and MAMA! =D
stopped dieting!!
A very important announcement!
went swimming today with jessica, stella, alien and melvin. basically played for 1 hour and 55 mins in the water and swam for 5 minutes. after that went to eat mcdonald's happy meal! =D before that, add mee pok and fruits! and honey dew sago!!! wah........... delicious...
and i gained back my 1kg... HAHAHAHA!
i've decided that i should go through a slow and easy process to losing weight.. than the fast and painful one! haha. so sorry vera, i cant be your guinea pig. but i doubt you can go on without food la. so just stay on what you're doing now. and sorry nicole. haha! you cant see good results when you're back. and to nel, shit head fie, maine, ting, afro, eddy, melvin the bitch, jess, stella and many others that know of the dieting plan. LOL.
cut my hand with a razor while trying to shave my *********. i'm very stupid.
and melvin is so funny. he just told me on msn:
melvin says:
i give my virginty of showing my body to classmates to u gals sehmelvin says:
tskalright.. we've taken a few pictures, but i have no idea where they are.. probably with the bitchosss! swimming again with maine and nel tomorrow morning! i'm leading such a healthy lifestyle. oooo! i feel so accomplished! =D
diet plan!
My diet plan
ISNT working very well... haha! thanks to ALL MY DEAR FRIENDS. i love you guys SO MUCH. thank you all for your "KIND SUPPORT".
NOBODY is taking me seriously! lol! i AM serious! i've been eating very very little. like 1/10 my norm.. can you guys STOP asking me to eat! and i have to repeat, "I'm on a diet" 1234567865432134567 TIMES! lol. and you guys will give me that "forget-about-it-la-alien" look.
On wed, was my first dieting day! the girls went to breeks for lunch. and i just sat there. hahaha! feeding purely on oxygen. fidelia the shit suppose to be dieting too. but she ate up 2 cheese dips supposedly for the wedges. after that, we went back to school, to bistro. and fidelia the shit ordered waffle with strawberry ice-cream. so much for dieting, alien buddy! that was 5pm. and i still ate nothing. just on plain water and the pure lemon juice. after that, to tm! and the girls ordered fondue at haagen dazs. and i again didnt touch it! see.. i swear, i swear. my will power is so strong. i dont know how anybody can beat mine. lol! at about 8pm, i start to suffer from acute pains in weird places... like the kidneys and liver.. just not the stomach. LOL. sooo... to prevent myself from dying. i add a bowl of bittergourd at 8.30pm. and i weigh 0.8kg lighter. end of day one.
On thurs, school bloody starts at 8am. had no time to prepare the lemon juice in the morning. so i've decided that i should eat for that day. so ate a plate of sambal chicken rice. HAHA! i swear i didnt finish it!! =) i told myself i wouldnt eat later at night! but... i ended up eating butter crayfish with garlic and cayenne pepper! damn nice!!!! oh my god.... I LOVE CRAYFISH! and i gained back the 0.8kg. HAHAHAHAHAHA! i'm such a DUMB ASS LOSER. end of day 2.
Today, made the lemon juice. but i added too much lemon. and too little water, its soooooo sour! couldnt take it. so didnt drink much of that. went biz park. i really wanted fruits only. but that dumb ass shit head fidelia said i should eat cuz i'm going for ballet. so i ordered noodles. and, didnt finish 3/4 of it. heh. and i came home, soooo bloody hungry. and endang put all the prawn crackers temptingly at the bar counter. like dang.............. so i told myself i will work extra hard in class later! hahaha! and i ate the crackers. HAHAHA! i did work hard, and i was sweating like a pig. and i loss 1kg.
suppose to swim tomorrow. but..... still bleeding down there. so.. will have to cancel it and stay home to study. its just the first week of school. and i have no idea what that china lecturer is trying to say. Biochemistry 2, we're all in for deep shit.
swimming (hopefully) and gyming with maine on sunday and tuesday!
why are some people just born soooo skinny, thin and slender. some just born FAT. and why must i be the one in the category of HUMONGOUSLY HUGE? lol! sometimes, i just have to decieve myself, and tell myself, "andrea, you're just fine." and then, my mother or my father will come and shoot me! lol! "are you sure you're going to wear this out? have you looked into the mirror?" typical question my mum will ask NOW. "wah...... you're VERY fat! your backside is sooooo BIG!" typical of my HUMONGOUSLY HUGE father.
and if i see fidelia that shit head. she'll SURE to look at me from head to toe and with her disgusting scrunched up face,"you're fucking fat." LOL!
and if i see ken boy. wah... that one. EVERYTIME i see him, EVERYTIME he'll use different methods and tactics and ways to convey how fat i am. LOL!! he's such a shit. but i still love him la.. HAHAHAHA!
method 1: if we happen to walk pass a full length mirror or some shiny surface that enables us to see our reflection. note, we've already walked PAST it. he'll suddenly say,"eh! wait wait wait!" then he'll pull me back a few steps like we've dropped something or there's something interesting for me to look at. and he'll stop right infront of the mirror. and tell me. "eh girlfriend, look! your butt so big!" and he'll smile... and walk away. - what a shit.
method 2: he'll point to a BIG rectangle porcelain stand... for planting of flowers. and he'll tell me. "you know, if i throw you in there now, you'll get stuck inside."
method 3: watching movies or taking bus, if he seats down first, and i'll sit later. he'll purposely like make a small jump. and look at me with that face ," eh... see. my girlfriend so heavy. sit down only can send me flying."
method 4: we're at carnivore eating. half way through. he told me to remind him to show me a message. i asked why cannot see now. he say later... so i thought it was a birthday surprise or some sort know. end up...... its his friend's message to him and it reads,"eh, i think i just saw andrea. she became fatter right?" and he bloody made me EAT SO MUCH!
and there are many many more which i've already forgotten. how long we've been together, has been how long he'd disturbed me. one day only... the earth is round... what goes around comes around....
kenneth chow. you watch out. i will slim down... and be back to where i were and what i was.. and fidelia you shit head. i'm still skinner than you... and to my mama and papa, it runs in the genes.
amara pictures!

maine high man! lol!!

In a few hours time, i'll be in 5-6-22, having my first FPATH tutorial.
whatever the teacher's gonna do,
he/she better not do ice-breaker.
happy birthday to me!!!! =)

Hotel stay with PC was fab! =D
had loads of fun with a little puking-session and getting "kicked" off the bed with maine. HAHA!
1) met von and maine
2) sent maine off to her SMU interview
3) off to check in at amara with von
4) went wow wow wow wow over the washroom ( i love NICELY FURNISHED toilets!)
5) walked around and TRIED to find food at icon
6) finally, settled down at tori Q
7) went down to city hall to shop and wait for maine
8) a very very long wait...... both von and i were DEAD tired
10) down to amara!!
11) waited for the rest to reach
12) and down to the swimming pool!
13) i learnt how to swim with my head up!!!!!!!!!! wahahahaha! i'm such a loser.
14) bathed, dressed up, to chjmes!
15) hog's breath there... aint very up to standard
16) a bunch of people. sooooo freaking noisy. and we shouted to compete with them
17) yes, we're so childish. haha!
18) bartender too generous with the liquor
19) maine all red, suat all red, i was all red too.
20) ting, the sole survivor! wooohooo! with nel too!
21) suat puked
22) i felt like puking after seeing her puke. LOL
23) ended up forcing myself to puke. HAHAHAHA!
24) puking's good! i puked out all the rubbish i ate that night!
25) maine BATHED!!! =D
26) watched the first half of some witch craft show
27) all fell asleep
28) woke up with suat's knee on my left boob
29) shifted, and her knee's against my back. lol! grinding in...
30) decided to roll on the floor, with maine!
31) mcgriddles for breakfast in the room =)
32) home sweet home <3
pictures up soon..
and of course... HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME! i love me! =)
i'm one year older... yet again........... =(
and i wish......................................................................
TB04 chalet!!!!!!
Just got back from TB04 chalet! Was a blast yo!
We thought it was going to be bad.. cuz the response from the class wasnt that over-whelming. but nevertheless, we went ahead. and people did come! hahaha! soooo fun! but poor jessica seemed to be doing all the hardwork. All thanks to the not so thoughtful boys. and we went slightly off-budget.
Aloha changi really is scary. honestly. its soooooooooooooooooooo ulu. my god. i took 2 cabs just to get my ass in. i was soooo god damn pissed off. oh.. you really dont know how pissed off i was. some taxi drivers.... are sooooooooo f-ing dumb. there're no other words to describe them, other than fucking STUPID.
I met ken boy for lunch before going to the chalet. so i didnt meet up with the rest first. cabbed down after that. and..... the yellow top taxi, license plate SH2400Z. the uncle is... holy................ shat..........
first, when chowy was still in the cab, i asked the uncle," uncle you know where aloha changi is?" then, there was silence. he IGNORED ME. so i said out a loud to chowy," eh, he ignore me man." to purposely let the uncle hear. then the uncle look at the rear view mirror. so i asked the uncle again. and he nodded, acknowledging that he know where aloha changi is. so obviously i just kept quiet.... and chowy alighted.. and i THOUGHT i was moving on to the chalet.
then... he suddenly turned into "APOLLO GARDENS"
, a condo somewhere at simei. and said," where you want to alight?" i was like god damn it. i've not been to aloha changi before, but everyone with an IQ of above 9 knows that bloody isnt a chalet. so i repeated myself for like the 3rd time," uncle, its aloha changi. you know the chalet? its near changi village." then he said,"OH! the chalet... ALOHA changi.. i thought APOLLO..." i was kinda quite irritated already. but relieved that he "finally" knew where i wanted to go.
and this happiness lasted for about...... 4 mins. and again, he turned into a condominium. this time, its "CHANGI-something" , i forgot the condo name. inside me, i was cursing and swearing at the uncle. i swear i so wanted to reach forward and pull his remaining hair off his scalp. i repeated myself again for the 4th time," UNCLE, ITS ALOHA CHANGI. you know chalet not? resort?! near changi village?" then he started thinking... while driving aimlessly... and started mumbling "aloha changi" to himself. and try to ACT like he know where that place is. i was boiling at 100 degree celsius already.
and he the worse part was, he bloody stopped nowhere on the road. and turned behind and asked me to ask my friend for the exact address. so i told him the EXACT address and he BLOODY DONT KNOW. lol. how the hell he pass his taxi lisence. all these while.. the meter continued to tick. i could not take it anymore... i was already boiling at 23456765432 degree celsius. i just raised my voice and told him," UNCLE, FORGET IT. DROP ME AT WHITESANDS." idiot. idiot. idiot. idiot.
just when i was about to reach whitesands, jessica called me. i purposely said to jess in a damn irritated tone," aiya. the uncle DONT KNOW how to go. and kept going to the wrong places. i'm going to hop on to another cab." idiot. idiot. idiot. and, he got the cheek to take the full cab fare from me! from siglap to whitesands, cost me 15 bucks that day. what a toot! lucky the second cab uncle knew where aloha changi is. or my pea brain would just explode at the moment.
And of course, when i finally saw alien and friends, my mouth went ranting and cursing and swearing non-stop. and i realised that my friends all have bad experiences in yellow top cabs too! especially, SH2400Z!
Aloha changi's chalet, is freaking humongous. at first only the 5 of us were there. so we were kinda scared. we went around together. holding hands. haha. and its very eerie cuz the furitures are like those in the 70s.. looks very very much like a haunted house in the 70s. we prevented ourselves from saying the ghost word and all. each time one of us accidentally mentions something close to it. the other 4 will stare. HAHA! and when we reached, to make matters worse, there was this cat. it's not entirely black. but the fact that half of him is black makes the whole bungalow more eerie. and the cat kept coming into the bungalow. went we managed to shoo it outside. it sat right outside the door. seems like its guarding the house. but we just got on with what we had to do.. the cooking and preparing before the rest of the people reaches.
when we started to start the fire, sooooooooooo many cats started to appear from nowhere. was kinda scared of them at first. lucky none was black. after that, i made friends with them! hahaha! sooooo adorable! i'm mama cat! love to carry one particular kitten. its at least 4 months i think. but not adult size yet. soooo cute. and there were kittens that are my palm size too! and of course, many many adult cats.
none of us girls dare to bathe alone. it was toooooo scary. really. so alien and i bathed together. haha! she's disgusting. she got no butt. and i'm disgusting too. cuz mine is toooooo HUGE. hahaha! after that, the whole bunch of us walked to changi village to have a field trip, on ah guas! reeeeallly HOT. lol. killer heels, super short skirt. and super low cut. some never even wear bra. haha! the guys were so scared.... so funny! haha! they got dragged by the girls to go..
we played orientation games and those heart pumping card games. HAHA! screamed till sore throat. and all the forfeit was to wack the hand. the loser will be wacked by everybody. LOL! and must damn hard type. hear the "PIACK" sound. whoever wacked too soft, will get wacked by everybody. HAHA! nicholas was like a MONSTER. he beat DAMN PAINFUL. so i wacked him the hardest! until both his hands.. got small little red dots = blood vessels burst. =D egg-citing!!!!
we were so noisy and all. too high. all our voices gone. so we decided to change to a calm game: murderer. just when we got all the things done. murderer and all chosen. and the game was about to begin... ALL THE LIGHTS SUDDENLY WENT OUT! throughout the whole bungalow. it was so dark. all of us got a shock. i cant help but start thinking about those things.. but after a while we got used to the darkness and nicholas was doing up the lights. and the atmosphere wasnt as bad as when the lights first went off. we all screamed and grabbed the nearest hands as we were sitted in a circle. it was about 0530 then..
a few of them walked to the reception to tell them about the trip. and after a while, the lights were back on. and i accientally slept. HAHA! when the rest woke me up.. it was already 0930. and rushed to get ready and off we go for breakfast and home sweet home.
pictures will be up soon. as soon as i get them. tomorrow will be amara stay with pc. a sleep-less night again. i'm becoming a robot. so tired now. my head's so light. alright. going to bed.
if you read till here, you're really patient. HAHAA! this is such a LONG entry.
andrea =)
milk milk!!!! =D
yo yo yo!!
went shopping today with my greatest mummy! but.. didnt manage to get anything from zara or aldo.. was sooooo disappointed.. i eyed that pair of shoes.. and that top... but its GONE... i should have bought it on the spot.. but that would bloody cost me 120 bucks.. and i would have to eat grass and walk wherever i go.. lol!
oh, and what is fashion lab? some local designer. have you guys heard of it? their clothes dont come cheap. pricing about zara's collection. more expensive then trf. nevertheless, still bought from them.. to cover up from my loss at zara..
AND...... i bought a COW!! its soooo cute!!!! ken boy loves her too! (i think) it was originally meant as a gift from him. but she found a permanent place on my bed! haha! and, i name her "MILK MILK" =D
T3 with the girls!

The two eunuchsintroducing..........
the transexual; bebe!!
and of course... the one and only...
sissy boy; junior!!
and... this is my MILK MILK!!
CRABS! I LOVE CRABS!! I LOVE SEAFOOD!!! (except fishes. they are SMELLY) i always thought that the ang mo kio's been hoon crab's the best! but no no no.... the old airport road one's 12345678909876543213456789 times NICER!! heh.. eggcited! BUTTER CRAB! =D
alright... on a serious note. what the hell is wrong with guys man! why do they enjoy having a girlfriend, but flirts with other girls behind their girlfriend's back. and STUPIDLY lets the girlfriend find out. lol.
[ p.s. i'm not referring to ken boy. LOL! so, not to worry dollies!]poor fi fi. this is like the 101 time dan has done something like this to you. no joke man. that guy has a serious problem. but honestly, if i were you, i wouldnt blame that girl. its definitely his fault. so dont be too rash about it! think properly!
meeting pc tomorrow! for... tea-break? fun fun! =D
andrea! =)
i finally learnt to let go...
I'm like kinda lost. I realise i've no idea what i want to do in future. Like what career route to take. Science is sooo boring and dry and tough...
"What am i doing in this course man?" is the question i frequently ask myself now. i always thought i like science stuff and wanted it as my career.. actually, more like i aspire to be a gynacologist. but well, thats too far fetch. and i just woke up from my far fetched dream. i cannot afford to change a new course now. i have to survive in this dumb course no matter what. every industry seem so over populated. or is it just me? What am i going to do.......... =(
Met up with the dancers today! like finally..... lol! nadine changed quite a fair bit. i couldnt recognize her! became more matured and demure. zheya's like a tiny little sweet girl. xinyi? lol! still the same old flower girl.. just realised we didnt take any pictures. LOL.
cant wait for next wed!! TB04 chalet! and zouk with either the 04 girls or the dancers.. heh heh.... school's gonna reopen very very soon. got to party till my guts drop out and i'll swallow it back, in preparation for school! 4 points, HERE I COME!!! lol! =D
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BOONIE!!!! hope you enjoyed your birthday in china!
my birthday is coming up too, am looking forward to pc, nehnehs and family celebration! hope ken boy will be able to squeeze some time out..
and of course, to hsiang, please stop thinking of that loser. if you think of that loser, it makes you a bigger loser. take care alright! (p.s. he's not good-looking, he doesnt have a good character, he is NOTHING! =D )
oooooo!! good night everybody!!!
andrea =)
hog's breath!
I'm kinda a psycho. =(
When friends ask me out to shop, i know i will be walking hell alot, of all shoes, i will still choose those heels that will kill my fat chubby feet. And i'll end up buying a new pair of shoes and change on the spot. I did that just today AGAIN for like the 3rd time this month...... adding on to collection. and i'm dead broke.
shopped with maine in town. went down to vivo to meet gracie. ate and chilled at hog's breath. and maine has found and awarded her best waiter award to one of the crew at hog's breath! lol!

didnt manage to catch the waiter's face. heh..

just watch me get the 4 points.
market 85!
Went to the blk 85 market to eat with the babes! lol. mmm.. i have no idea where the pictures are.. not that we took many. lol! too engrossed in the food plus gossips.. and the big fat fat fat fat cat! haha. well, that's like the only non-airconditioned place we actually meet up for food! way to go PC! more like the only place we dont mind the smoke and oil and perspiration and disgusting tables and what more...
bought like somemore things again. and i cab practically everywhere i go. even though i am sooooo damn broke. i'm like eating up my ang pao money already. blame the weather! each time i'm going out, its either raining soooo heavily, or soooooo HOT! i really cant help it but to cab. and when going home.... i'll be sooo tired from all the walking, talking and shopping. and have to hail one again. taxi drivers are earning big money! fares are like soooo sky high and everyone is taking them! so difficult to get a cab nowadays.. =( i think i need to tie my hands up or maybe chop them off, so i wouldnt be able to flag for a cab or grab any clothes, accessories, bags, shoes!! and i wouldnt have to take money out! hahaha! and i will be sooooo rich!
how i wish i have a sugar daddy... or a small potted plant in my room, that will have flowers with 1 fifty dollar note wrapped in each flower. a girl can dream........... =D
for like a minute? HAHAHA!

my laughing partner!

check this heels out! it looks kinda nice here.
but it doesnt look good at all. lol.

hsiang's "kim kim" heels!

she insist on taking this photo! *shrugs*

hello! =)
i've changed my number!!!!! so please please ask for my new number if i have not given you.
i sort of have given those i see online.. and texted those that i think will contact me.. hahaha! so.... you might wanna ask me through msn. or leave an offline message!! heh! love you ALL!
since i'm here.. i should just blog....
i'm officially broke! wooohoo! not working.. and spending DAMN alot of money.... how great is that. and my mum still have not bank in my april's salary... i'm gonna have to eat grass soon.. and start up like an andrea's charity fund. kenneth chow, please donate. ps, you HAVE TO. its not a choice for you.. hahaha!
i bought so many useless things. but i swear! i felt that it was so useful to me before i bought it. i asked myself so many times whether i NEED those thing and if i will use them. and she told me,"andrea, you will! definitely. so BUY IT!" hahaha! and now i REGRET! this earring that maine told me NOT to buy.. cuz it looks retarded. and i still bought it in the end. no wonder there are still SOOOOO MANY of it left hanging on the racks. and i really look retarded wearing it. but its ok! it looks good as a display on my earring rack! hahaha!
and to answer the damn tagboard. FIDELIA YOU BITCH! LOL! stop trying to act like a doctor. you've quit biotech.. so your dreams of being one is GONE.......... lol! credicts? what the hell is that eh? i've checked the alien and earthlings' dictionary. no such WORD! >.<
some long long ago pictures: