a n d r e a .
<3 monsoon!
Oh my god. i tell you...........
Wiki is such a bitch. And that vet tech guy, has been editing the frontpage for gazillion years. he got so many things to add. and i need to upload the powerpoint slides. and i want to go and sleep. and he's hogging the dumb wiki. and nobody else can edit the wiki. and the worse thing is. At the top of the wiki, it reads "This page is being editted by XXXXXXXXX but he havent touch the page for more than 5 minutes." DANG.... i tell you... i refreshed the frontpage for 1000000000 times already. and it still read "This page is being editted by XXXXXXXXX but he havent touch the page for more than 5 minutes."
He must be shitting. so i'm going to steal the lock from him. ARGH. and i'm going to go school on thursday, and see who the hell is XXXXXXXXX.
oh, yeah. and i found an eyecandy. HAHAHA! but i will never get to see him ever again. Cuz he's just considered a passer-by. DAMN IT. DAMN IT. i hope he's from TP...... HAHAHA! sorry about that. i NEED to divert my attention yo.
<3 monsoon!
keep that chant going..

I feel like the world's smelliest poo.
I need to get out of the toilet bowl yo.
and you, gotta stop haunting me.
i need my life back.
gotta keep that chant going yo.
-ugly duckling-
This week's such a sad week. =(
I've forgotten what happened. everything happened so fast. and so many shits happened.
Multiple deadlines, quizzes after quizzes, tests after tests, tons and tons of assignments. Dumb presentation. And not forgetting the damn damn damn damn DAMN irritating e-learning fpath. For IT idiots like me, we seriously have alot of difficulty.
And to add on to all these troubles, there comes all these unwanted problems which is so difficult to handle: friendship problems and of course, my confusing and so very troubled relationship problem. I swear, i would exchange 100 e-learning fpath assignments for one of my bestie back and to solve the boy trouble which is really scratching my teeny weeny heart now.
A lighter note, i think i'm starting to enjoy going for my ballet classes again, plus an addition toning up class with my ballet beauties! and i cant wait for the school dance classes to resume. cursed, sweared and slapped myself 34578654 times for quitting the dance in school. but honestly, i'm building alot of muscles now. which means... the figures on the weighing scale's not going decrease.. and i basically cannot and will never get my old figure back. =(
and..... i'm going to get my loafers on monday. i tell you.... if its out of stock.. i will chop off my pinky. i NEED that pair of loafers. you know.. for that loafers, i swallowed down this damn fucking disgusting dessert in Shang palace. it nearly cost my life. thanks to my oh so wonderful mother. one of the days last week, we went shopping. everybody in my family bought at least one thing except for ME. POOR ME. POOR DISGUSTING ME. i couldnt find anything to buy! like how? how to not find anything to buy!! you tell me... i looked around SOOO HARD with my teeny weeny beady eyes, desperately trying to find something nice. just nice is enough. dont need to be perfect. i just NEED to get something. LOL. and yay! i found this pair of loafers. i tried on, damn damn damn damn X 100000 times comfortable. but.. its 100 odd. i told my oh so wonderful mother that i've found something to buy. she said ok.. and looked at the price.. then she said,"100 plus leh girl.." so being the oh so very good girl, i said "its ok lor.. then dont buy." HAHAHA!
and after about 2 hours, i bloody regret.
at that time, we were already at Shang palace having dinner. It was already the last course, which is the damn damn damn damn bloody disgusting dessert. I told my mother that i want that loafers. then she said ok, she'll get it. i was happy la. obviously. then when i brought the first spoonful of that damn damn damn damn bloody disgusting dessert into my mouth, i almost spat it out. YUCKS. i refused to eat it. and my mother used the loafers to threaten me! wah... i tell you...... my mother... is so wonderful... and i licked the bowl dry. lol!!
Graduation day!
please pardon her.. she think that she's a singer.


look! i got 2 bodyguards! hahahaha!
what a coincidence..

ok, everybody.. let me introduce to you...
the world's most most most fucking disgusting DESSERT!
from shang palace - shang-ri la
dont be deceived by its appearance..

i love oh so beautiful toilets!

mummy and papa!

I'm so black now.. that i think i can blend in with the bangla workers around my estate... i'm one of them now! yay!! racial harmony! =)
and i've got so much work to do.. and i cant seem to bring myself to complete them.. my small little teeny weeny heart was shattered a couple of hours ago, by my relatives. you see, something about family gatherings - its cursed. everytime they see me. their description of how fat i am gets worse.. their vocabulary increases and who they compare me with gets wider horizontally. my weight can still be read on the weighing scale man... chills you, aunties yo!
majong session among the sisters.. and i realised that.. my gorgeous perfect mummy is sooo SLOW. hahaha! mmm... she calls herself stupid. (P.S i never say anything! =D ) i love my mummy!! heh..
look at the small little crayfishes! sooo tiny!
i've not seen such tiny ones.. and yeah, i'm so into crayfishes!
they are soooooooooooooo NICE!

Majong with 1/2 of PC =)




swimming again..
HAHAHA! damn it man! this picture came too late...
past few days god damn tired... couldnt blog..
or i would have caught many of you.. HAHAHA!
vera... its a WIG!

many bangles...

dumb mosquitoes

My house is a MASSIVE BREEDING GROUND for mosquitoes. I've got so many HOLES on my big hands, large arms, huge calves, humongous stomach and gi-mongous thighs. i scratch so much till my scalp also itchy. i think that DUMB black little six long legs inserted that long needle-like thing into my peabrain.
Its ccn day. what a big huge crowd. and i spent so much money. withdrew 30 bucks and spent all. i tell you... i can commit suicide. maybe the mosquitoes can suck all my blood away.
i bought a small little plant for mummy! =D
bought accessories.
Had a "tatoo" with my chinese name.
ate a thousand and one things.
and... i just realise why i keep scratching my stupid scalp.
CUZ I BLOODY FORGOT TO WASH MY HAIR TODAY. FFFFFFFFF! i cant believe i'm so disgustingly disgusting. i've got a reason OK! let me say my story..........
in the morning, i was in a rush... cuz i didnt want to be late for aimm lecture. or else that not so nice teacher will scold, take matric card and say," late ar late ar? why why? why are you always late? give me your matric card." and give you that irritating look.
and expect you to give a equally irritating answer like," oh. i forgot the way to school."
"oh. the uncle said i wasnt good-looking enough to board the bus."
or maybe...
" oh. i wanted you to scold me and take my matric card and NOTICE me.. cuz i'm sooooo in love with you..." HAHAHAHA!
and i thought i would wear a cap to school today. so i didnt wash my hair in the morning like what i usually do. i just bathed. then when i came home... i was so excited to show my mother and brother my "tattoo". but this tattoo got a very very very very very bad point: it will be washed off once in contact with soap and water. so, i wrapped it with the transparent waterproof food wrapper.. went many many rounds and i looked like i was preparing for a liposuction or some huge fats removing course. its on the underside of my forearm. too excited, forgot that i havent wash my hair for the day. HAHA! lucky i didnt do that "tattoo" at the back of my neck like what priya did. can you imagine how i'm going to protect it from touching soap and water?! wrap my whole neck. HAHAHA!
single single single single!!!
Went out for a walk with fullstop and big butt. we were supposed to study after school. and just 5 mins after meeting them that morning in school, they decided to go orchard instead. primarily cuz fullstop got to pass her timesheet la. hahaha! so we've got a reason.
when we were in the toilet waiting for big butt to let out some bombs, this guy walked into the ladies'. i didnt see him actually. i only saw him through the corner of my eye. fullstop said he saw us and made a U-turn. later still purposely turn back to look at us again. like we had shit on our faces. so.. as usual,
WE laughed.
ok babes, look at that glass below. and see if you can make out what is the red mark. is it a red blood stain? chilli oil stain? or is it simply just a pattern?
i spotted this red thing first. i looked at it and made a small fuss. lol.
"eh eh eh!!!" said pea brain.
both fullstop and big butt looked.
"its just a pattern." said fullstop.
"no its not!" said pea brain.
big butt decided to do some testings. she used her finger and lightly tapped on the glass...
and she shouted "eh EH EH!!!!"
"its just a pattern!!" said fullstop again.
big butt ignored her, picked up a tissue and wiped at that "stain" repeatedly. lol!!!
" ITS JUST A PATTERN!!!!!!" screamed fullstop.
and yes.. its just a pattern. HAHAHAHA!! what a ugly pattern that looks like a damn stain.
Met up with maine and von later in the evening to catch.....
What happens in VEGAS!!
good old nice romance cum comedy. well, thats like my first time back in cineleisure to watch a movie since 3 years ago. its hell packed man.. lol.
before the movie, we went to the ladies'. maine and i walked in front. von behind. i dont know who led who, whether is it i led maine or she led me, into the gents. we stepped in and stood at the door for like 5 seconds. well, my pea brain was blank. i dont know about her big and full of folds and furrow brain. with my accurate estimation and precise guess, it should be blank too. HAHA! and the worse part, there was this guy standing right behind us. and we were blocking the entrance/exit to the gents. then von's voice broke the blankness in my brain. LOL! "why are you two going to the gents?" mmmmm..... MMMMMM...... KARMA. karma always looks for me. i tell you........ and its immediate type. same day, it'll happen. and its on the same thing. just like the underwear incident. =(
Half way through the movie, i received a call. and then.... i came to a conclusion.....
S is for...........................................................................
single single single SINGLE!
welcome andrea the great into the single's club! yay!!!! like finally.... its over!! haha!
and yes pretties, i'm fine.. just that this got to happen to me twice and its caused by the same guy. and i found out that... "once bitten twice shy" doesnt apply to me. LOL! and.... dont ask me what happened ok... i know after reading this... EVERYBODY is going to ask me. LOL. who initiated it? what happened? HAHA! cuz, i'm like quite traumatized by how much he changed. and i really, i have no idea what was going on. hahaha! we went out the day before happily and not knowing that the next day, we're both single. maybe he knew.. who knows.. but i dont. and it felt like i got slapped 10000000 times on my face and 2000000 times on my boobies and 3000000 on my ass. so... give me a break first k. maybe 10 years later, i can try to account everything out again. HAHA! and please prevent from mentioning kenneth to me and amongst you pretties to prevent more trouble, cuz i might end up in fits and die by choking on my own saliva. alright. thats about it. and special thanks to priya ning and her friends, shin yi and cheryl! =) loveeeeeeeeeessss!
check out this creature.. lol! i found it at the 7th level of library's ladies'. mama bitch says it looks like its from the dinosaur era. and priya ning agrees with full force! LOL!

what a bad bad day...
Today is such a bad day..
it all started with my dream... i dreamt that i was damn late for a math test which is on another island. and panicked and got stressed out and woke up in shock. lol. i actually already forgot my dream. but its something along those lines. when i looked into the mirror..... i spotted 5 NEW PIMPLES. like wtfffffffff...
when i reached school, i suddenly got pains in my stomach. those diarrhoea type. but it's already 9am and my fpath test starts at 9am. so i had to endure that pain and sit for the test and while writing and thinking, i was feeling the shit at the brink of my anus. i hurriedly completed the test, and went to to toilet to let out some watery bomb. when i'm all set and ready to fire, no bullets came out. the whole shit feeling was gone. so i went out of the toilet. just when i walked out a few steps, the feeling came again. so i went back in. but hell, the feeling went away when i went back to the toilet! i was cursing at that damn shit while walking out. i saw zahidah and melvin outside of the toilet sitting at the staircase. so i went over to them... and the shit feeling came again... @#$%&^%$#@@$% I TELL YOU........ i told myself, i shouldnt get conned by my cunning shit again. so i didnt go to the toilet immdiately. but.... i cannot take it... i went to another toilet and sat there till my cunning shit decides to see daylight.
there's aimm quiz. @#$%&**&% and i didnt study for it. haha! its all facts. so i basically couldnt answer them. those teachers, really know... they cant communicate very well.. nobody knows whether its a tutorial quiz or lecture quiz. and now, the people with tutorial on mondays suffers... and thats me. =(
when break time finally came... i was so god damn hungry... and i realise i've got no cash with me.. @#$%&&%$# had to draw money.. so i walked all the way to the atm machine. i QUEUED the damn bloody long queue under the hot scorching sun.. when it was finally my turn.... i inserted my card... it read "this atm cannot dispense cash" WAH.... I TELL YOU.............. my whole day is CURSED. i knock the machine and said something quite loudly la.. haha! fidelia and wakefield said everybody there turned and looked at me. damn it. damn it. and, poor me didnt eat. =( cuz i got no money.... =(
the day dragged on.... and finally its 4pm. yay. end of school. went to cheers to eat maggie mee. somewhere that can pay by nets... and i realise i paid for some people and they havent pay me back. jessica and i were like gluttons. we each had a cup noodles and we shared another one. and ate chips and drank. and at 5, we went to play badminton. lol! it was damn fun. at 6, went to play tennis. and at 7, we went to watch the cheerleaders "fly". and at 8, we went home...
what a BAD BAD BAD BAD DAY. =(