a n d r e a .
work out session & happy birthday zhou =)
Had a work out session running around tm and cs like mad animals. intended to catch a movie. but when we reached tm at about 5, we were so hungry and all we thought about was food. after that, we forgot all about the movie and went shopping, tried clothes, bought clothes. and at 7.15 we decided to catch a show. we were at the starbucks area then. so we half-ran-half-walked up the escalator all the way to the last level where GV is. and DAMN IT. the last time slot of prom night was 6.55pm. we cursed and ran to CS. we climbed the escalators like some mad idiots running for their lives. while climbing, we were laughing like mad. lol. and the damn escalators seemed never-ending.... when we finally reached shaw, the last time slot of prom night was also 6.55pm. wthhhh... i tell you.... they should really do some communicating. why put two same shows at the same time and at places sooooo damn near to each other?! we had such a good work out. that the 3 of us died. lol. lala's calves cramp, my thighs cramp, zeeda's knee came off. omggg. its been a long time... considering i need to rest half way through a flight of stairs, 5 levels up, climbing escalators non-stop.... is a GREAT ACHEIVEMENT! well done! =D
i wonder who you spent your this special day with. and this morning, lying on my bed, i tried very hard to recall, what presents did i give you for the past years and where did we celebrate your special day at. but i cant. lol. i need to think harder. memory failing.. this is the only year after we contacted each other again did i not spend this day with you. and i wonder were you disappointed to receive my message only at 9.20am this morning. recalling how disappointed you were when i wasnt the first one who wished you in one of the years, and you demanded an explanation. and in another year, you actually thought i forgot your birthday when i messaged you at 12.15am. only a 15mins wait. haha! i wanted to message you again at 12am this year.. but i guessed there wasnt a need to since there will be tons of others trying to snatch that position. and you might expect another someone to be the first this year. And your reply today, left me thinking the whole day till now. and its gonna leave me thinking of you again for like say... another 2 weeks? everyone's been telling me that wounds will heal. i almost made it. till you sent that message. i really want to believe that one day, i can safely tell all my babes that you're just a normal friend, a very very normal guy friend who was once my boyfriend. and i realise that, liking another person aint very helpful. cuz i found out that you also meant a lot in my life and did leave a mark in my heart, like i did to you. Have a fab 19th! =)
zoo, school, jokes
Its been a long time.. thats how busy future doctors and professors are these few days. i'm suppose to study for mgen quiz tomorrow.. and its so god damn boring. i'm like studying aimlessly and with my peabrain more or less blank. i'm like SO dead. and PCT quiz on tuesday. that subject, i am more than dead. out of the 5 chapters, i roughly know whats going on in one chapter and the other 4... mmm, i only like know... the titles? well, think on the bright side, at least i know the titles.
after these few weeks of torture, we future doctors and professors came to a conclusion that science school lecturers have this great and unusal fetish of trying to see their students,
dead. and leaving them to choose between beauty sleep and grades. and yes, we definitely have no life. but knowing me, i definitely choose my beauty sleep. and try as much as i can to squeeze sometime to watch a good movie yo. DARK KNIGHT'S AWESOME! well, i did sacrifice watching red cliff to study mgen yesterday okay.
i wonder if this is going on between all schools and happening in every student's life: where we have quizzes and tests basically every day (high possibility to have more than 1 test per day). and project deadlines. and shit head presentations. if it happens to all schools, then science school students really have low tolerance, endurance and limited brain storage space. Considering that i'm not the only loser complaining, then... the problem shouldnt lie in me, right? hahaha!
Went to the zoo for a break last saturday with jess and pri! it was fun yo!
Lessons learnt:
1) always go to places of attractions in SMALL groups. in this way, we can save alot of waiting time.
2) never ever visit the baboons first, visit it only when you're sure you want to leave the zoo already. (its cursed, the moment you step out, it'll rain)
3) plan your rain escape route well
4)never ever bring big bulky bags with you
5) never bring food in
6) be wary of monkeys swinging around, they might throw apples or fruits down
7) try to steal as much free rides from the tram as you can
8) Be as kia-su as you can, so that you can get the front view without any HEADS infront of you during feeding time
9) and that the zoo map, is kinda cheating you. from the map, it seems like the hippo is quite a distance away from the white tiger, but in fact, its just about 15 steps away.
i'm sad to announce that wherever lala, zeeda, pri and i go, we're bound to make enemies. lol. babes, we need some self-reflection. a serious one. :)
the babes and i have a serious speech problem. we cant seem to pronounce words correctly. its getting really bad these few days. after a couple of sentences, there will be a word mispronounced. and we'll laugh hysterically at it.
Pri: Ralphs lorlan (ralph lauren)
Tua (tour)
lala: O-pan (open)
lala and i both went to buy junk food. lala was looking at the receipt and trying to count how much they suppose to return me. she asked me what's ah-leaf. i thought was some jap food. so i scanned through the junk food we bought. then she continued to use her irritating tone to ask what is ah-leaf?! its $2.60. then i peeped over to the receipt. and i shouted back at her "your eyes slanted ar!!! ah-leaf is $1.30 la! what $2.60!! and then it suddenly struck me. it's not what we pronounced. the word was ALIVE. and when i told her, we both laughed SOOOO LOUD that the whole starbucks turned and looked at us. combination of our laughter is disasterous. the laughter's worse that the thick lips joke. LOL!
i'm eating abit too much again. someone gotta savee me!!! :(
and i had cod fish poisoning. LOL!
back to studying! its getting a little late! goods byes!
phosphorylates >.<
I'm taking a break from biochem. reading the god damn notes just pisses me off. seeing so many phosphorylates, i feel like tearing up the notes.
a classic example:
activated protein kinase A phosphorylates phosphorylase kinase, glycogen synthase and phosphoprotein phosphotase-1 inhibitor. phosphorylase kinase phosphorylates glycogen phosphorylase. phosphorylated glycogen phosphorylase thus becomes more active. (P.S this is directly extracted from the notes)
fed up right! fed up right!? wah......... see already become giddy. read out loud, my tongue twisted, my ears flip forward and my brain shrink in size. and thats like just a small part of it. but.. i love zhang chi chi! haha. gives many many hints. good lecturer!
Today was a brain draining day. omg. zomg. zzzomg.
9 to 11am - fpath test. (which all of us got soooo tired of doing the test and wanted to just give up. and though it was an open book test, its WORSE than a close book one. i swear. really. mentally draining! when you look at the computer screen and see those damn questions and frantically trying the search the 3 sets of notes in front of you for similar words. and worse still, there're very little multiple choices. teachers are smart ar.. sometimes..)
11 to 12nn - biochem test. (ok, this is a small quiz. and its the stupid true or false one. when you get correct you score 2, every wrong answer deduct 1. and i alwaysss just manage to scrape through.)
12 to 1pm - aimm quiz. (which i only found out at 8.45am. and damn it. almost half gone.)
2 to 3pm - pct presentation. (which i kinda screwed it up. kkk said something like people going up to present last min work. i have this feelings he shot the arrow at me. damn it.)
3 to 4pm - mgen lecture. (like zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzomg. the most boring thing EVER! i'd rather get pissed off reading biochem notes while i'm shitting than attend mgen lecture.)
thursday mgen presentation. and i have no idea when biochem project is due and what we're suppose to do.. and i think my brain is malfunctioning.
Paris hilton's "just me" is disgustingly disgusting. it doesnt last. DKNY green apple smells like rotten apple. so babes, dont get them. and i still havent buy the perfumes i want. and i own those perfumes that i dont want. =( and i got so many things i NEED to buy. i neeeed to go shopping. but i have so many assignments due and test loading up. damn it. no time.. no time.. and now, i'm so glad i'm single.
and...... hsiang bought the earring for me!! maine maine! hsiang bought the earrings for me!!! hahahahaha! ooooo! organise dinner. organise dinner! organise dinner! ORGANISE DINNER! go PC's events manager! =D
and yeah. how can i forget the announce....
MAINE PASSED SUCCESSFULLY PASSED HER DRIVING!!! ONE SHOT! MANUAL!! WOOOHOO! kayss. got to go piss myself off again. and pull all my hair out. there's a damn biochem lecture quiz tomorrow.. goods byes babes.
Alright! its the happy weekends again!!! but this 2 supposedly happy days are being dedicated to work and work and work and work and work. got to complete PBL, and all those dumb tutorials and there is a FPATH test on mondayyy! ahhhh! i need to take in more vitamin C. brings down the damn stress level.
lala's spastic!! LOL!! <3

oh... and the movie WANTED is damnnnnnn GOOD! OOOOO! angelina jolie really has a very hot body. oooooooo.. lifted my sad sad sad so sad mood! hahahA!

School's fun, as usual with my new classmates and the bitches!
During Biochem lab this week, we had to handle concentrated sulphuric acid. Smoke came out from the test tube once we drop it drop by drop into the test tube with other chemicals inside. coool shit! haha.. and as future doctors and scientists, hanwei, chris, peyton and i decided to try out how strong H2SO4 really is... and lo and behold... it burnt a hole in the serviette or napkins or whatever you call that piece of thing. hahaha! han wei dropped a couple of drops at first.. then we dont see any reaction.. so he dropped more.. and then he started to eat off the paper and sip through it! and we all started to panic. HAHAHA! and i laughed so much that i think some H2SO4 that evaporated went into my mouth. later throughout the whole day i had skin irritation! both my shoulders were hot and red and itchy.. then my fingers became itchy.. then my face became itchy.. and i became a monkey. lab's so fun with crazy and fun classmates! and of course. lab's fun with mr zhang pengchi! he basically doesnt give a shit! Apparently one of my lab classmate suffered a burnt from conc. H2SO4 last year. got a black black mark on his hands. and he was wearing gloves then. scary shit. no wonder scientists earn so much. their live is in danger every single day.. once they step into the lab, halleiluya. must buy alot alot of insurance.
oh yea, this is the burnt thing thing. we stopped it cuz we are chickens. HAHAA!

The clan accompanied me to wait till the clock strikes 7pm. had to go for dance practice, but didnt want to go home. so they all SWEETLY accompanied me, every thurs and fri! sooo sweet right....... =))
and we played....... DARE & DARE in the god damn LIBRARY. hahahahahahaha!!
we laughed sooo much that we irritated basically EVERYONE in level 3. they probably felt like stuffing their shoes, socks, underwears into our mouths. lol!!

the lucky me didnt get any dares at all! haha!
lala's dare: go into the boy's toilet and take a picture of the urinal.
priya's dare: first dare was to go into each and every cubicle of cable tv and pace back and forth infront of the tv and before she walk off, stand in front of the tv and block their view. LOL! then we changed it to her walking right into the cubicle and knock on the wall, and put her ear next to the wall and listen. but eventually, the dare that she did was standing on the so-called ladder in the middle of level 3 where everyone can see her, and she stood at the highest point and count till 10 secs. oh my god. she really did look like an idiot. HAHAHA! go pri go!!!!
heider's dare: to walk up to this guy using the computer, and stare into the computer with his face right next to the user. HAHAHA! this one is classic!
priya and stella's second team dare: go up to this basketballer and say this,"hi, i'm priya and i'm stella. can i have your number? can i have it? can i have it? can i have your number? can i have it? can i have it? with the irritating face and irritating voice. and their hands must have to yoyoyo action! but!! this is the only dare that failed!! cuz the basketballer was too serious and scary! hahaha! and the two of them got scared!
and we ended the whole thing after that failed dare.. and we all created a stupid story. haha! with us sitting in a circle and saying one word each. its damnnnn funny! how it can turn out to be a story.
a well grown pink rose plant and one that is erm... rotten? HAHAHA!

and check out fidelia's hands! haha! she's DEAD! got poisoned!

staying HAPPY! =D