a n d r e a .
Pre-camp preparation
Just came out from a hot bath. After packing my bag for camp tomorrow; which has the aftermath equivalent to running 2 rounds around the track.
I was literally panting and really thirsty after completing the CHORE of packing clothes and stuffs and nonsense for a 4 day 3 night camp. Managed to squeeze everything into 1 bag, 1 shoe bag, 2 hand carry makeup pouches. whoowhee. so tempted to bring a luggage. my brother thought i was going for a fashion show and that the amount of things i brought was incredibly impossible. and my mother and endang was busy asking if i brought this, brought that. they even more gan chiong then me.
Stella and i both had a super last min shopping trip for camp at about 8 plus 9. went to those chapalang shops and bought all that we need for the camp that could be found there. the most happy buy for me, is a TORCH LIGHT!!!!!!!! NO GHOSTS, NO VAMPIRES, NO MONSTERS! WOOHOO! very happy to find torch lights there. :D
Am trying not to feel sad that many year 1s will be attending this shit. and not to forget the irresponsible asc people who cant seem to reply smses. i'mma risking getting kicked out of my flamenco performance this april for this nonsense. cant believe i'm not weighing out my priorities properly. hope my white lie this friday can pass! sigh..
And, we're so gonna make hell loads of new friends. i'm betting that none will be my age. all the xiao didi and xiao meimei. i'm not very old. just 25 more days to being 20. not too bad. not too bad. am indulging in self-pity and fully submerged in denial.
Hope there wont be any anal people there. just ended my period. and there wont be any pms. and will be in a relatively good mood which means being nice and soft and kind and all things good. good thing. good thing. can appease the rest of the babes if they ever get into any fight. (highly possible) :D *PEACE babes!*
ALRIGHT! ALL SET TO GO! ANDREA LIM IS GOING FOR A CAMP! yes, laugh your ass off now. i volunteered for it. i'm such a kind soul.
What happened to happily ever after?
I wasted 3 days of my life, risking having fits relapse, watched this drama. and it did not have a happy ending. that got me really angry and upset and URGH.
Shows are meant to make people happy. :(
And, songs too. so eilania lee, please stop thinking about that VERY SAD AND EMO song plus the VERY VERY VERY SAD AND EMO story you created, directed and acted together with that song. today is a friggin bad day. :(
These few days were spent with my family and myself. Alot of food, laughter and fun!
Its amazing how i keep telling myself i will run the following morning. And when i said that, i was VERY determined. the weather seemed to be helping me procrastinate. there were gloomy clouds or already pouring rain when i manage to get out of bed these days.
The days were spent playing mahjong and spending loads in the arcade. Spent a total of 250 bucks in 2 days playing nonsensical games and screaming and shouting and banging and cursing and perspiring. Arcade is a real good place for venting anger or stress yourself up and have hell loads of fun. oh, its also a very good place for people with too much money and no where better to spend.
Great world city got the best arcade! my brother's girlfriend and i had a fun time hammering and playing dumb guessing game. and obviously got addicted swiping the card through the card reader deducting 1.40 each time. seems like a small amount, $1.40. but it'll add up to a whooping 250 just on arcadeeeeeee! and i suffered from blistered fingers. :( my thumb has a blister with a shape of a "good" sign. and the base of my index finger suffered another blister. thinking back. i feel like using the card to slash across my face.
mahjong is forever as fun, though it gets boring after sometime. and blackjack! my brother bought this blackjack mat with new chips and 2 new decks. oooooo. we felt like pros for 3 minutes.
was having a short evening nap, but was woken up by really really loud quarrels. and went to kaypo. neighbour across my block screaming really loudly and ended up lashing each other. screamed for my mum to join me in watching. she got really excited, discussing with me and when all the drama ended. she walked away and not forgetting to leave me a remark," you very kaypo leh, girl." like she's not.
Celebrated maine and suat's birthday on saturdayyyy! We climbed the legendary stairs. holy mother of god. grace, nel, hsiang, ting and i were huffing and puffing and panting and perspiring and wobbling and cramping and holding. basically crawling up the stairs and afraid of FALLING BACK. While crawling, i was thanking my parents for not buying the estate there and will never ever buy. and yes, thank god that the stairs from IT concourse to itas is 1/10 of that. thank god that the stairs leading to my room aint that long either. and thank god, for the inventions of lifts, escalators and travelators.
i dont think i'll ever complain when i climb any other flight of stairs, after that legendary one.
maine and suat :)

awesome friendship! our big family 1/1; 2/1 :D

yes, yes. that's like a freaking zoom into my fat left leg.
at the legendary stairs. (p.s. see the orangey thing? thats the clearing. and there's one more flight of stairs above where we're standing.)

pretty collage :)

i cant wait for fish slice tomorrow. i'm gonna order 3 bowls. :D
Extreme case of mood being stomped on
Its so weird to see my parents pushing each other and forcing the other one to come forward and reprimand me for reaching home at 6 plus this morning. In the end my mum got the dirty job. Her fav phrase, yes deduct my allowance. but this time. more creative. each hour late after 12am, deduct 50 dollars. yes..... my reaction was SIAO. and i was really in a friggin bad mood for the so not going well orientation thing. and imposing a dumb curfew of 12am was seriously asking to be fried by me. just when i thought everything was fine when my mum just asked where i went when i woke up. 2 hours later, she decided to impose dumb things on me. damn it.
feeling really bad now. i have kinda nice and soft spoken parents (compared to me) hmmm. now after calming down, if my daughter (if i have that is) comes home at 6 plus in the morning. i'll probably chain her up, lock her in her room, and create a hole big enough to stuff a bowl of rice in.
the whole of my coming week shall be spent at home watching channel 55, 255, animal planet and national geographic. plus stuffing my face with food. and be junior's gurdian angel when there's thunder storm. and a watch dog for my house since junior's a gay plus sissy. awww. he's so adorably beatable!
what a down sunday. shall go do some treatment, mask and meditation to calm my firing head down. :(
A day well spent not doing much
Met up with 2 old long time friends that both so happen to live in caves. Tkgians should know who these 2 are. Most famous for pang seh, not answering calls, one day only can reply one message to one person and many many more evil deeds that enabled themselves to climb up the ladder, attaining the title of living in caves.
My 2 beloved besties, lee chee shian eilania and yao lihan.
It was a day filled with so much laughter. That we were laughing in "coming soon". thanks to yaolihan. she's DARN funny. she kept thinking that the show started. when its still advertisement! then when the advertisement end, she'll turn to me and say in a NORMAL volume, "aye, i thought the show started." - basically everyone in the radius of 5m can hear that. and that happened twice.
Let's discuss about coming soon. its a KNNNBCCB movie. seriously. my shawl was over my head throughout the movie. with lihan telling me whats happening on my right. and eilania breathing VERY HEAVILY on my left. eilania was basically covering all over too. lihan's the only one watching! its SCARY. please do not watch that show. serious. :( if you want to scream, do watch. two words of advice, mineral water!
We bought some food in. considering we're watching horror. jumbo hotdog, sprite, cuttlefish, M&Ms, corn cup, the french fries look alike thing... erm. thats it. and lihan scared me quite abit in the midst of the show when i tried to peep out of the shawl. turned to my left. and got a shock. >.< i think its her hair. so.... i think my hair looks scary too. like what S said.
Went soup spoon after. We were all suffering from some tummy aches. So half the time was trying to figure out which food was the culprit. And also trying to psycho each other to stay over at each other's house. kinda confusing. dont think i'm typing any sense now. i'mma off!
Enjoyed the day, with good old friends.
What a scary 15 minutes
My heart stopped for the past 15 minutes. With me trying to enter the damn network of temasek poly. somebody got to do something about it man. with my hands shaking and lack of blood flow, and heart already suffering from some sort of malfunction; i had to repeatedly punch in my admin number and password for a zillion times. and each time the page starts to load. panic strikes. and then something appears "
SERVICE UNAVAILABLE"well, seeing that. led to a series of vulgarities splurted out with my two middle fingers sticking right out there. and then the cycle continues. i punch in my admin no. and password in a rush and click login. and then the two demonic words appear and a chain of vulgarities glide out of my lips and two fingers point right up.
and to my relieve and a teeny hint of disappointment, results will only be out either this evening or tomrrow. then after a good 3 seconds of gathering back my soul, i started cursing myself for not applying for sms service. darn it. wasted my adrenaline. need to exercise to get rid of them. @#$%^&**&^%$# exercise - the evil word.
so, i shall go and accompany my mum watch some taiwan ladies' programme. and off to meet jess. and maybe S later, for drinking and stress relieve session.
till my doom day. and zeeda, hope you contacted the priests for me already! :)
Yet again

Now again at this kind of unearthly hour. i am awake. accidentally slept too early again. :( there's something wrong. cant seem to sleep for long. i'm like taking 4 hours nap. then wake up, move around for another 4 hours. and sleep again for 4 hours. am i crazy or what. lucky for the existence of my beloved nocturnal friends. or.. i'll probably be killed by ghosts and vamps now.
Woke up execptionally early today or should i say yesterday? like 9am. my sleep cycle's weird! like i've said. one good point for this weird cycle, is that i get to eat breakfast. basically all 3 meals. plus some additional meals in between. went out with my mama. came home. had a drama series marathon. i watched so hard. till i were seeing double images. and for a moment i thought i gained short sighted-ness. hardworking! :)
Oh, did i mention that i got chao tar on sunday morning? Went for some water carnival. lasted from 7am till 1pm. was in the damn swimming pool for whole 6 hours. my skin died! i came home, scratching furiously like a monkey. my skin got so dry! and now, i know how junior felt. so the day was also spent watching dramas + scratching + slapping massive amount of lotion onto my body. i've used up half a bottle of the lotion my mum gave me. and got scolded for that. complaining how expensive that lotion is.. and how i used so much. and i should use the cheap one the next day. not like i'm going to bother. cuz it's my limps man! i'll probably scratch them off if i'm going to use cheap lotion. right or not.
Then.. in the early evening, something hit my mind. something BIG. cuz, i decided to do home exercises. you should freaking see the look on junior's face. oh my god. i just wanted to slap junior. he looked so shock. I AM SERIOUS. like got this shock and curious look on his face. and one ear was up, the other was down. bitch dog.
15 normal jump squats
15 jump squats with 2kg weights per wrist
Planked for 2 minutes
100 jumping jacks
100 ski jumps
i repeated this twice with 1 minute breaks inbetween the exercises. and i mother @#$%^&*( died. i felt so giddy. and i thought i was fainting and dying after i completed the second set. am i weak or loserish? both la ar. :( while feeling like i'm going to another world. lying on my floor resting, received a message from S. asking me to join gym with personal trainer. i was like DANG. what the...... if S messaged just slightly earlier before i did all these nonsense. i hell will join man! see, its fated. i dont understand how guys or those fit girls, can take all these shit. its so... TIRING. its a mental, physical and emotional strain for me! i should just stick to dance. its a total relax plus weight shedding scheme. so to people out there who are as "strong" as me. join some dance classes! oh, and i think clubbing helps too. seen live cases of people slimming down after hardcore clubbing for 2 months.
and, i'm becoming a good multi-tasker! texting eilania and chatting online and blogging! or am i self deceiving? well. i'll choose to believe the former. :)
i love duck

I've learnt that, if you're not an early sleeper. Please do not try to sleep early. You'll end up waking up in the wee hours, breaking out in cold sweat due to a bad dream. its 4.27am. wonder who are the poor souls out there with the same plight as me.
oh, and i made up my own horror movie in my dream just now. i dont really want to recall it. but yes, i died.
my life is spent idling now - just the way i like it.
Some people's capabilty.
Met up with stella in the afternoon and eilana later in the evening.
Went to mind's cafe yesterday with the babes.
All 3 meet ups and activities were hell load of fun. laughed alot. and plenty of jokes made.
but, i'm in such a terrible mood to blog cuz somebody got to piss the SHIT out of me. oh my god. i'mma about to rip some skin and send some balls rolling.
i've decided to sleep early. and not be angered; to allow the already very little brain cells that are still around to have their fair chance of survival.
and, of course,
HAPPY 20th VERA LOVE!Love you plenty!! see you later! :D

Celebrated mata's birthday today over at tm. slept at 5am. no, i slept at 6.15am. was on my bed since 5am. serious case of insomnia? i think so. woke up at 9.45am. ooooooooo. mother.... my eyes, were barely a 1.5pt line. i'm basically a huge stone sitting with my babes at the table in recent outings. and gobbling food like a prisoner gone hungry for 7 days. over order as usual. and this brings me to stella and my new resolution. we're only going to spend 70 dollars a week.
we will NOT buy extra food.
we will NOT go to restuarants.
we will NOT take anymore cabs.
we will NOT buy unneccessary things.
we will NOT not know where our money went.
we will keep an eye on each other.
and, anybody is welcome to join this clan. i've been spending like a tap gone loose. and getting into some money trouble with my beloved mum. cant seem to persuade her to supp a card for me. so, measures should be taken and actions should be done. and yeah. i've set myself some ground rules. which, i bet all of my friends plus myself highly doubt i will follow it. its some impossible rules to stand by.
a funny day trying to hail a cab with stella. we were practically running up and down the stretch of road along side the busstop. how we got scared by this aunty sitting in the cab that has the green light flicked on. and how stella ran after this yellow cab which in the end did not stop for us. and how we mistook bus 9 for bus 5 and running frantically to the busstop. and later run back to where we originally were standing to catch 2 cabs which zoomed past us. and lastly, got into a cab. and was so god damn tired. ok, maybe for me. i was in my own plontok land. dont ask me whats plontok. i just made that up 4 seconds ago.
not forgetting our fun and exciting experience in the arcade! and jessica pang, stop feeling bad ok. its just a small bruise. at some inconspicuous place. and it doesnt hurt; i think. HAHAHA!
i'm like a ghostly stone. OH MY HOLY SHT.
compare my face, neck and hands colour with my legs.
please tell me its something to do with the lightings.
i'm an alien hybrid.
28th Februray
Spent the last day of februray with stella, melvin and stephen. :) sheesha-ed instead of lancing lancing as we've intended. humidity and rain made us all lazy and tired. with me suffering from headaches and the others hunger pangs. everyone seemed to be abusing drugs there. at least it seems to me.
had supper at 12. cabbed back and got a little high. so poor melvin cabbed back alone and stephen and i slacked at stella's poolside. which was a wrong choice cuz i felt something was amiss. none of my family members contacted me the whole night. messaged my brother's girlfriend and she didnt reply. hmmmm... so, had to leave at 2 plus. and felt bad for stephen. true enough, when i was opening my house gate, my mama called. OOOOO. i was just a step behind her. my mother havoc man. reached home at 2 plus to 3am. slightly earlier than me. wonder where she went. didnt dare to ask... i'll probably be digging my own grave. just lucky she didnt interrogate me this morning. heh.
so... i shall be a good girl. and be home before 12, from today onwards till tuesday. cuz..... i wanna mambo on wednesday yo!!! =D

doesnt this picture resemble something? LOL


stephen and his brillant idea!

again, stephen's fantastic mind!

and i found out a better beer last night besides this! all hail stephen!